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All continents except Antarctica have been affected by tornadoes as have most, if not all countries. Many thousands of cities have been hit by tornadoes, far too many to list here.

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Q: What continents countries and cities are affected by the tornadoes?
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What is measured in kilo meters?

Countries, Continents, Cities.

Is Dallas affected by tornadoes?

Yes. Dallas is one of the most tornado-prone major cities in the country.

What are three continents that each have three countries and three cities?

Three continents that each have three countries and three cities are: North America - countries: USA, Canada, Mexico; cities: New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto Europe - countries: France, Germany, Italy; cities: Paris, Berlin, Rome Africa - countries: Egypt, South Africa, Nigeria; cities: Cairo, Johannesburg, Lagos

What are continents divided into?

Continents are divided into countries, which are further divided into states or provinces, and then into cities or towns. These divisions help organize and govern the land and its inhabitants.

What is Asias capital cities?

Asia is a continent. Continents do not have capital cities only countries have these. The possible exception being Australia as this is considered a continent and a single country.

What does a map look like?

it has equators and all of the continents on it, all the states, countries, cities,oceans.

How are most states in the US divided when most continents are divided into countries and countries are often divided into states?

they are divided into counties/cities.

Types of ecosystems affected by tornadoes?

Tornadoes mainly occur in temperate climate zones, though can occur elsewhere. Forest and grassland ecosystems are often affected. Many tornado cross onto bodies of water as well. Tornadoes often affect human developed areas such as towns, suburbs, and cities. Due to the low frequency of thunderstorms desert environments rarely get tornadoes.

How could the city prevent a tornado?

Humans cannot prevent tornadoes. While there is some evidence that the urban heat island in some major cities inhibits weak tornadoes, this is neither an intentional affect, nor is it something we can control. Strong tornadoes are not affected by this.

What cities have not been affected by damaging tornadoes and floods?

Far too many to list. There are many, many cities and towns in America that are not in a river's flood plain, or not in a particularly tornado-prone area.

What cities do not have hurricanes or tornadoes?

Cities that are inland are safe from hurricanes, but just about no place habitable to humans is immune to tornadoes. However in the U.S. west of the Rockies strong tornadoes are rare. Cities such as Phoenix and Los Angeles have seen tornadoes in the general vicinity, but they are almost invariably weak.

Which form of internal migration has affected most countries?

The form of internal migration that has affected most countries is people moving from rural areas to cities. Today, most of the world's population lives in a city.