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Q: What contributed to the rise of the Harlem Renaissance?
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What were some major contributions of the Harlem renaissance to US culture?

The Harlem Renaissance contributed poetry, art, and jazz to American culture.

Who contributed to the renaissance?

There were many of people that contributed to the Harlem Renaissance. Unfortunately I only know a few, WEB Debois, Langston Hughes, Joe Louis, and Billie Holiday.

What events contributed to the development of modernism?

the Harlem renaissance was a major aspect that helped the development of modernism.

What brought about the Harlem Renaissance?

According to the book ''The Harlem Renaissance'' by William H. Johnson, "The main factors contributing to the development of the Harlem Renaissance were African-American urban migration, trends toward experimentation throughout the country and the rise of radical African-American intellectuals."

What was the name of the art and literary movement that took place among African American during the 1920s and 1930s?

Harlem Renaissance

What started the Harlem renaissance?

what started the Harlem Renaissance?

What is the date of the ending of the Harlem Renaissance?

the Harlem renaissance ended in the 1996

Who benifited from the Harlem Renaissance?

The people in the Harlem Renaissance were aspiring African American artists. A writer that benefited form the Harlem Renaissance was Langston Hughes. One of the major singers that benefited from the Harlem Renaissance was Ella Fitzgerald. The people in the Harlem Renaissance were aspiring black artists.

What role did the crisis play in Harlem renaissance?

it helped promote the Harlem Renaissance

What ideas defined the Harlem renaissance?

the jazz defines the idea of the harlem renaissance.

Who were considered the Harlem renaissance writers?

Some of the key writers of the Harlem Renaissance include Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Claude McKay, and Countee Cullen. These writers contributed significantly to African American literature and culture during the 1920s and 1930s.

What factors contributed to the rise of trade between Western Europe and the East at the beginning of the Renaissance?
