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Hi! The foods you eat and they have to be healthy and the amount of water you drink. Thanks I hope I did something for you.

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14y ago

well, when it starts and your height, genetics but hormones makes you hit puberty

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Q: What controls puberty?
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What controls puberty in girls?


What hormone controls puberty in girls?


What controls the starts (onset) of puberty?

Hormones ! A person's hormones control the onset of puberty.

What gland controls puberty onset?

The pituitary gland.

Name the chamical that controls the puberty?

In males, the key hormone(chemical) is testosterone. In females it is oestrogen that drives puberty.

What is the gland that controls the onset of puberty?

The pituitary gland starts puberty. This signals the testies and adrenals to produce more hormones.

What is the master gland controls the endocrine system and determines when puberty starts and located in the brain?

the pituatary gland thats right pituatary :D

What is the hormone that largely controls physical and emotional changes in females during puberty?

Most of the changes in puberty that women experience are due to estrogen.

What makes your bodies grow?

There is a gland in your brain, right behind the optic nerve. That gland controls puberty stages and how your body grows.

What is the hypthalomic hormone that is primarily responsible for the onset of puberty?

The hypothalamus is linked to the pituitary gland, which controls the release of many hormones, including the one that develops the sex organs.

If you get aroused for no reason are you gay?

No. During puberty, most of us get aroused "for no reason." The neuro-muscular system that controls erection in males isn't fully developed until later in puberty. You are gay if and only ifthe majority of your sexual fantasies and sex partners are of the same sex as you are.

What is the stage of development when the reproductive system becomes mature?

the answer to this question is puberty