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A photo-voltaic solar panel does this. It contains silicon which acts as a semi-conductor, producing a DC current at a low voltage.

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A photovoltaic cell, also known as a solar cell, converts light energy into electrical energy through the photovoltaic effect. This process generates an electric current when light shines on the cell, causing the electrons to move and create electricity.

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Q: What converts light energy directly into electrical energy?
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Does light bulb converts kinetic energy into electrical energy?

No, a light bulb does not convert kinetic energy into electrical energy. Light bulbs rely on electrical energy to produce light. The kinetic energy of moving objects is not directly converted into electrical energy to power the light bulb.

What are the three electrical appliances that converts electrical energy?

Three electrical appliances that convert electrical energy are: Electric heater - converts electrical energy into heat energy Light bulb - converts electrical energy into light energy Electric fan - converts electrical energy into mechanical energy for moving air

What form of energy does a light bulb?

A light bulb converts electrical energy into light energy and heat energy.

Would a light switch converts electrical energy?

No, a light switch does not convert electrical energy. It simply opens or closes the circuit to control the flow of electrical current to the light bulb, which then converts electrical energy into light energy.

What are the conversions of electrical energy give 5 examples?

Electrical to mechanical: Electric motor converting electrical energy into mechanical energy to drive machinery. Electrical to thermal: Electric heater converting electrical energy into heat energy for warming a space or heating water. Electrical to light: Light bulbs converting electrical energy into light energy for illumination. Electrical to sound: Speakers converting electrical energy into sound energy for producing audio. Electrical to chemical: Electrolysis converting electrical energy into chemical energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gases.

Related questions

Does light bulb converts kinetic energy into electrical energy?

No, a light bulb does not convert kinetic energy into electrical energy. Light bulbs rely on electrical energy to produce light. The kinetic energy of moving objects is not directly converted into electrical energy to power the light bulb.

What are the three electrical appliances that converts electrical energy?

Three electrical appliances that convert electrical energy are: Electric heater - converts electrical energy into heat energy Light bulb - converts electrical energy into light energy Electric fan - converts electrical energy into mechanical energy for moving air

What is the device that converts electrical energy in to light energy?

The light bulb.

What form of energy does a light bulb?

A light bulb converts electrical energy into light energy and heat energy.

Would a light switch converts electrical energy?

No, a light switch does not convert electrical energy. It simply opens or closes the circuit to control the flow of electrical current to the light bulb, which then converts electrical energy into light energy.

What are the conversions of electrical energy give 5 examples?

Electrical to mechanical: Electric motor converting electrical energy into mechanical energy to drive machinery. Electrical to thermal: Electric heater converting electrical energy into heat energy for warming a space or heating water. Electrical to light: Light bulbs converting electrical energy into light energy for illumination. Electrical to sound: Speakers converting electrical energy into sound energy for producing audio. Electrical to chemical: Electrolysis converting electrical energy into chemical energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gases.

What is a device that transfers electrical energy to light and heat and sound?

An incandescent lightbulb is an example of a device that converts electrical energy into light and heat. A loudspeaker is a device that converts electrical energy into sound.

What is meant by solar cell?

A solar cell is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect.

A dry cell is used in a flashlight to convert what to light?

A dry cell in a flashlight converts chemical energy into electrical energy, which in turn produces light when it passes through the bulb.

What part of a circuit converts electrical energy into other forms of energy?

A resistor in a circuit converts electrical energy into heat energy, while a light bulb converts electrical energy into light and heat energy. Other components, such as motors, can convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.

Can electrical energy be converted to other forms?

Yes.-- A toaster converts electrical energy to heat.-- A battery on its charger converts electrical energy to chemical energy.-- A fan or any electric motor converts electrical energy to mechanical energy.-- A light bulb converts electrical energy to electromagnetic energy in two main portions of the spectrum ...heat and light.-- Ear buds, bull horns, and loudspeakers convert electrical energy to sound energy.

Is a light bulb a mechanical energy?

No. It converts electrical energy into light and thermal energy only.