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Could be several things. The one that comes to mind is low calcium levels.

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Q: What could be wrong if there is a sudden painful tightening of a muscle that won't untighten?
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What word means severe pain cause from sudden tightening muscle?


What is a sudden painful involuntary contraction of a muscle called?

A spasm.sedimentarySpasm

What is a sudden tightening of a muscle that can happen during physical activity if you do not warm up properly?

A Cramp or a Sprain

Which of the following is a sudden tightening of a muscle that can happen during physical activity if you do not warm up properly?

It's called a "cramp".

A sudden painful contraction is called what?

instant movement

A muscular contraction that causes a muscle to shorten as it develops tension is called?

A cramp is a sudden over-shortening of a muscle. Cramps are involuntary and, often, severe. They can be extremely painful.

What is the sudden involuntary contraction of a diaphragm muscle?

It is called a Tracheospasm

What are striated muscle spasms?

A muscle spasm is a sudden, spontaneous, uncontrollable and abnormal tightening or contraction of a muscle. The term muscle cramp is also used to describe a muscle spasm anywhere in the body, and when a muscle spasm occurs in the lower leg it is often called a "charlie horse." Spasms of the muscles will often be triggered after a sudden movement in a muscle that has not been used for a while, even if the movement is not forceful. Examples of this are muscle cramps that happen while asleep or after prolonged sitting. This is why athletes do warm up exercises before activity to prevent muscle spasm. Muscle spasms are not uncommon, and can become more frequent and intense with age, when fatigued as from overwork, or when the mineral levels of the body are lower than normal for normal muscle function. This is why athletes and those who work in high temperatures take salt tablets or drink fluids to replace the minerals that are lost from excess sweating.

What causes sudden muscle lost over entire body?


What is the meaning of the word spasmodic in simple words?

spasmodic is an adjective derived from the word spasm which is a noun.spasm : a muscle cramp; a painful and involuntary muscular contraction.spasmodic: relating to, affected by, or having the character of a spasm; fitful; convulsive; excitable with sudden outbursts of energy; happening intermittentlyexample:An overexerted and tired muscle can be spasmodic if it repeatedly has spasms.

What is the medical term meaning sudden contraction of a blood vessel?

Angiospasm is sudden contraction of a blood vessel. In contrast, vasoconstriction is the normal process of contraction of a blood vessel.VasoconstrictionAngiospasm

What muscle cramps and muscle spasms symptoms of?

Muscle cramps and muscle spasms are both symptoms of a sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. They can be painful and can last from a few seconds to several minutes. Muscle cramps are most common in the legs, especially the calves, but they can occur in any muscle in the body. Muscle spasms can also occur in any muscle in the body, but they are more common in the back and neck. The symptoms of muscle cramps and muscle spasms are similar, but there are a few key differences. Muscle cramps are typically more painful and can be accompanied by a visible bulge in the affected muscle. Muscle spasms are typically less painful and may not be accompanied by a visible bulge. Muscle cramps and muscle spasms can be caused by a number of different things, including: Dehydration Electrolyte imbalance Muscle fatigue Overuse of the muscle Holding a position for too long Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and thyroid disorders Certain medications Pregnancy If you experience muscle cramps or muscle spasms on a regular basis, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Here are some tips for relieving muscle cramps and muscle spasms: Gently stretch the affected muscle. Massage the affected muscle. Apply heat or ice to the affected muscle. Drink plenty of fluids. Rest the affected muscle. If the muscle cramp or muscle spasm is severe or does not go away after a few minutes, seek medical attention.