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Irriation from your razor, it could be time for a new one, or better shaving cream, also you could be shaving too much.

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The bump will turn red and scratch more.

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Q: What could explain small itchy bumps that appear on the skin after scratching?
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== == It may have something to do with your diet. greasy foods will not help. Scratching your face with your fingernails may cause dirt build up under the pores. Wash hands and face more frequently. Use a face cleaner. It could be heat rash

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I constantly itch everywhere but the front part of my face, there is nothing noticably wrong until i start scratching, little bumps start to appear and my skin turns pink after i stop scratching the skin returns to normal color but the bumps stil remain for a while, sometimes longer. I've had chicken poxs and measles and as far as i know I'm not allergic to anything. I don't appear to have dry skin and i still itch after taking a bath/changing clothes/sheets and after making other hygenic efforts. Why am i so itchy? Please help!

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There are a few things that could be happening when a cluster of small white bumps appear. You may actually just be having an allergic reaction and simple allergy medicine should fix this.

Where could one find scratching posts?

One could purchase a used cat scratching post at a flea market, yard sale, or a swap meet. One could also check the classified advertisements in their local newspaper.

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there are several factors that can cause u to have red bumps that pus 1 of which could be an infected hair hence an ingrown hair another could be infected pearly papules these are the bumps that are on a mans penis do not attempt to pop theses as they are a part of the male anatomy there are other sites that will explain them more

What could small red bumps be?

Small red bumps on the skin could be signs of rashes or measles. It could also be a precursor to acne problems.

What causes a bump to appear on lip and it is sore?

One reason that the inside of your lip is sore and red could be the Herpes Simplex Complex that causes redness and soreness.

Your cat has a cluster of little bumps under both armpits what could it be?

The cluster of little bumps under both your cat's armpits could be a heat rash. A little antibacterial cream might heal the bumps.

Is it bad to scratch a lot?

The reason for scratching should be investigated by a doctor and cured. Scratching could result in an infection in an open scratch wound.

Bumps on fingers?

this could be from holding your pen wrong

What is scratching in attic at night?

I could be a squirrel taking refuge in your attic during the winter. Or it could be a rat.;-)