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Q: What country is a green shamrock symbol of?
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Which country has the shamrock as one of its symbols?

The Shamrock is a symbol of Ireland.

What country is known as the land of the shamrock?

Ireland is known as the land of the shamrock. The shamrock is a symbol of Ireland and is associated with St. Patrick's Day.

Why do people wear green on st. Patrick day?

St.Patrick's day is the celebration of st.Patrick converting the Irish to christians, and the symbol of Ireland is green.

What country does the shamrock come from?

The shamrock is most commonly associated with Ireland. It is a symbol of Irish culture and is often used to represent the country, especially on St. Patrick's Day.

Shamrock is a symbol of what mystery?

The shamrock is a symbol of the mystery of the trinity. Saint Patrick used the shamrock to explain the trinity to the Irish people.

Which country has the emblems of shamrock and the harp?

Ireland is the country that has the emblems of shamrock and the harp. The shamrock is a symbol of Ireland and represents the Holy Trinity in Irish Catholicism, while the harp is the national emblem of Ireland and is featured on official government documents and Irish currency.

What colors does a shamrock have?

The colors that a shamrock(clover) has is dark green , light green,green depending on what kind it is .

What symbol adorns Indys lucky charm in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade?

Shamrock Shamrock Shamrock

What symbol is drawn in the froth of a Guinness?

Bartenders usually trace the symbol of a shamrock.

What is a shamrock spider?

The shamrock is a symbol of the mystery of the trinity. Saint Patrick used the shamrock to explain the trinity to the Irish people.

Where did the shamrock come from?

The shamrock comes from the Irish custom and is known as Ireland's national symbol. The Irish used the shamrock as a folklore of luck.

What is the symbol for Ireland?

probaly a harp or shamrock