

What country is a scheidemunze coin?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: What country is a scheidemunze coin?
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I believe your coin is from Bulgaria.

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That depends on which country the coin is from.

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The coin usually has the name of the country or ruler on it.

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The Two Shilling (or Florin) coin is a British coin. British coins do not have the country name on them. The Two Shilling (or Florin) coin was also issued by a large number of British Empire/Commonwealth countries, but will have the country name on them somewhere.

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There's no such thing as an "international coin".If you mean a coin from a country other than the US it's called a foreign coin in every country except the one that issued it.In any case you need to post a more specific question with the coin's denomination and the name of the country it came from.

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Such a coin does not exist. Please check the date and country of origin of your coin.

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How do you located what country a 1912 coin originates from?

To determine the country of origin of a 1912 coin, you can look for inscriptions of the country's name or symbols associated with that country on the coin. You can also consult numismatic resources or online databases that provide information on coins from different countries and time periods.

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