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The U.S.

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The United States was the first country to land a man on the moon on July 20, 1969, during the Apollo 11 mission. Astronaut Neil Armstrong famously took the first steps on the lunar surface, followed by Buzz Aldrin.

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Q: What country landed the first man on the moon?
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No Indian man has landed on the moon. The only humans to have landed on the moon were part of the NASA Apollo missions from the United States.

Which country successfully landed man on the moon first?

The United States successfully landed the first man on the moon on July 20, 1969, during the Apollo 11 mission with astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin.

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The USA first successfully landed a man on the Moon (Neil Armstrong) in July of 1969.

First man who landed on moon?

Neil Armstrong

Who was first man landed on moon?

Neil Armstrong

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Richard Nixon was the president of the United States when man first landed on the moon in 1969.

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The United States is the only country to have landed a man on the moon. The Apollo 11 mission in 1969 achieved this historic feat.

What is the name of the area of the moon on which man first landed?

The area of the moon where man first landed is called the "Sea of Tranquility," or "Mare Tranquillitatis" in Latin. It is located in the northern hemisphere of the moon and was the site of the Apollo 11 mission's historic lunar landing on July 20, 1969.

What country was the first ot land a man on the moon?

The United States of America. ____________________ So far, in fact. the United States of America is the ONLY country to have landed men on the Moon.

What day did man land on the moon?

The first manned mission landed on July 20, 1969

Is 1969 the first time man tired to go to the moon?

No, 1969 was not the first time man tried to get to the moon, but 1969 was the year when man landed on the moon.

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Man landed on the moon!