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Q: What country uses the eastern Caribbean dollars?
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What country uses dollars and speak french?

The country that uses dollars and speaks French is Canada. Canada uses the Canadian dollar as its official currency and it is also one of the official languages spoken in the country.

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Ecuador is the only Spanish-speaking country that uses the American dollar as its official currency.

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Yes. Every country except the US, Liberia, Burma and a few Caribbean nations uses the metric system.

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No country in Asia uses the Euro.No country in Asia uses the Euro.No country in Asia uses the Euro.No country in Asia uses the Euro.No country in Asia uses the Euro.No country in Asia uses the Euro.No country in Asia uses the Euro.No country in Asia uses the Euro.No country in Asia uses the Euro.No country in Asia uses the Euro.No country in Asia uses the Euro.

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Jamaica's government uses import restriction to protect the safety of the people.Tariffs and prices?æon imported goods are hiked to discourage importation.

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No country in Europe uses a form of the currency dollar. The most widely used is the Euro used in most EU countries as well as Montenegro and Kosovo. However, not every country uses the euro in Europe.