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The tardigrade, also known as a water bear, is one of the most radiation-resistant creatures. It has been found to survive in extreme environments, including high levels of radiation.

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Q: What creature is most able to withstand the effects of radiation?
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What material can withstand a nuclear blast?

Materials that are able to withstand a nuclear blast include thick, reinforced concrete, steel, and lead. These materials are used in the construction of bunkers and nuclear shelters to provide protection against the intense heat, pressure, and radiation generated by a nuclear explosion.

How many pounds should a guardrail system be able to withstand?

A guardrail system should be able to withstand a minimum horizontal force of 200 pounds applied at 42 inches above the ground. This standard is typically set by regulatory agencies to ensure the safety and stability of the guardrail system.

What material can withstand plasma?

Materials such as tungsten, graphite, and ceramics like alumina are commonly used to withstand plasma due to their high melting points and good thermal conductivity. These materials are able to withstand the high temperatures and aggressive environment created by plasma.

How many pounds of force must a guardrail and top rail be able to withstand?

Guardrails and top rails must be able to withstand a minimum lateral force of 200 pounds applied in any outward or downward direction at any point along the top edge.

Is a radiation pyrometer able to measure the temperature of sun?

Yes, a radiation pyrometer is able to measure the temperature of the sun. Radiation pyrometers work by measuring the infrared radiation emitted by an object, and the sun emits enough infrared radiation that it can be accurately measured using a pyrometer.

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Cockroaches are known to be able to survive high levels of radiation, including from an atomic bomb attack. Their ability to withstand extreme conditions and high levels of radiation makes them one of the most resilient creatures on Earth.

What material can withstand a nuclear blast?

Materials that are able to withstand a nuclear blast include thick, reinforced concrete, steel, and lead. These materials are used in the construction of bunkers and nuclear shelters to provide protection against the intense heat, pressure, and radiation generated by a nuclear explosion.

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The most severe side effects from radiation therapy depend on the patient and the area that's being treated. Patients often experience skin irritation or a lack of being able to produce saliva. Nausea and fatigue are quite common side effects and a percentage of patients will also experience hair loss.

How do you get your spores in the game?

-For the CELL stage the computer will choose a cell creature for you. -In the CREATURE stage you will by able to choose or create a cell creature to use in game. -For the tribal,civilization and space you will be able to choose a normal creature or create one. BE SHORE YOU HAVE 'SPORE' NOT 'SPORE CREATURE CREATOR' BECAUSE IN 'CREATURE CREATOR' YOU CAN ONLY CREATE CREATURES.

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How many pounds should a guardrail system be able to withstand?

A guardrail system should be able to withstand a minimum horizontal force of 200 pounds applied at 42 inches above the ground. This standard is typically set by regulatory agencies to ensure the safety and stability of the guardrail system.

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