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Q: What crispus attucks did during revoulutionary war?
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Who was the First African American To Be Killed In The Boston Massacre?

You're thinking of Crispus Attucs. He was a sailor. He was shot with two other americans. Although there is some question as to whether or not he was the first one shot but he was the first one to die; he died instantly, the others died the next day or so. There is also some question as to why the British soldiers fired. The way it is told, the British soldiers were being taunted and eventually were found not guilty. Thier lawyer was John Adams, who eventually became Washington's vice-president and then later the second president of the United States. The event was depicted in a famous engraving by Paul Revere and this is said to have instigated the Untied States in going to war with England.

Did the civil war come first or the revoulutionary war?

The revoulutionary war came first. 1775-1782

Was Crispus Attucks Native American?

Crispus Attucks was biracial, sometimes called a 'Black Indian'. Contrary to popular belief Crispus Attucks was not simply black as people in his time and place defined it. Attucks was the product of the union of an African man who was an escaped slave and a woman of the Natick band of the Massachusett, Wampanoag Indians. By the one drop rule African Americans claim him as black. By the rules of matrilineal descent that the Indians of that region used, Attucks would be considered an Indian because he was the son of one of their women.

What war did the red coats fight in?

In the revoulutionary war

Who was killed in the Boston massacre becoming the first casualty of the revolutionary war?

His name was Crispus Attucks, he was born a slave around 1723 and is thought to have worked as a harpooner on a whaling ship after he ran away from his master.

Related questions

Was Crispus Attucks the first patriot killed in the Revolutionary War?

Crispus Attucks was one of five people to be killed.

Crispus attucks accomplishments?

well all of u need answers to this i do to so first things first u answer mine.with what name was crispus attucks born with and if he changed why?where did crispus attucks grow up/spend most of his time?what kind of schooling did crispus attucks have?what was crispus attucks childhood like?did he get married if so to whom and when?for what is crispus attucks famous for?what problems did crispus attucks have to overcome?how did crispus attucks overcome or conquer these problems?

What did crispus attucks do in the revouitionary war?

he was in the revoultionary war

Where were the first Americans casualties of the revolutionary war killed?

Crispus Attucks

With what event in American history is crispus attucks associated?

Crispus Attucks was a slave and dock worker in Boston during the Boston Massacre. He was the first person killed in this assault and said to be the first person killed in the Revolutionary War in 1770.

Who was the the first American to die in the revolutionary war?

Crispus Attucks was the first person killed during the American Revolutionary War. He was killed during the Boston Massacre.

Why was Cripus Attucks important?

The reason why Crispus Attucks's death is so significant is, the first shot fired during the start of the Revolutionary War is known as, "THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD". Well that first shot, was the shot fired by the British soldier, killing him and others.

Who was a citizen killed in the Boston massacre?

crispus attucks do you have revolutionary war packet?

Why do you honor Crispus Attucks?

Because he was the first man to die in the Revolutionary War.

Why was crispus attucks significant?

The reason why Crispus Attucks's death is so significant is, the first shot fired during the start of the Revolutionary War is known as, "THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD". Well that first shot, was the shot fired by the British soldier, killing him and others.

Why did crispus attucks fight in the revolutionary war?

hey just wanted to i guess the easy way to say it =)

Who are you crispus attucks quotes?

crispus attucks has no qoutes...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................