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Q: What crow a sentence?
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What is a sentence using the word crow?

It takes 1 hour to get there, as the "crow" flies.

What is a sentence using the word crow's?

The crow's food was approaching in front of the crow and the crow grabbed it up with its beak and gobbled it up in one second.

A sentence with the two meaning's of the word crow?

If he was right about it being a crow and not a rook he would crow "I told you so," in triumph.

Crow crows in the morning is crow proper noun?

It isn't unless it is used as a name/nickname. (Ex. Improper noun- The crow flew away. Ex. Proper noun- Crow ran into the store to buy some gum.)

Can you make a sentence using the word crow?

"There was a crow perched on the windowsill." If you mean the bird, that's all I got.A rooster will crow when the sun rises.

How do you write this sentence in sanskrit who ate the crows children?

crow is black in colour

What is a good sentence with the word wondering in the sentence?

The owls in the forest were wondering why the crow's feet were named after the wrinkles in the corner of the farmer's eyes.

How do you use the word menace in a sentence?

Like, - The Crow was a menace! you can use is too in this sentence, that will form - The Crow is a menace, there can be other words formed with the word! eg. Some Boys living in the 2nd Street are a menace

How do you combine this words to a sentence 'a crow was thirst he flew to the tank he hopped that there would be water in it?

First, there are inaccurate words in this: 'a crow was thirst he flew to the tank he hopped that there would be water in it. Thirsty is the proper form. Hopped means to jump but hoped is not hopped. Hoping is a form of hope. To combine the ideas into one sentence: A crow flew to the tank, hoping there would be water in it because it was thirsty. NOTE: However, a crow would not hope for something. Humans hope, but not birds or animals.

The crow pecked at it's food is it correct?

"it's" is a contraction for "it is".The possessive form is "its" (no apostrophe).This is a confusing one because almost every possessive uses the apostrophe.So your sentence should be "The crow pecked at itsfood."

Word Jim Crows Law in a sentence?

If the Jim Crow Laws were not "stopped", people like me would have not been created

Sentence using beleaguered?

The beleaguered patrol was rescued just in time! I was most amused to observe the mockingbirds as they beleaguered the intrusive crow.