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The movie to this fantastic series comes out on March 23, 2012. all three books have already been released, and if you mean to ask what it is, it's a book that's rapidly gaining popularity from what I've seen of it. It's part of a trilogy following a girl named Katniss Everdeen who has taken part in The Hunger Games twice in a post-apocalyptic world. The Hunger Games are actually one barbaric game for survival Katniss and friend Peeta Mellmark are forced to play by The Capitol, the head of all the Districts. Katniss and Peeta are part of District 12, clearly the least popular district in the book. In the Hunger Games, they are forced to fight against two citizens from each of the other districts, totaling to 24 "tributes."

In the Games, Katniss and Peeta somehow gain a reputation of "star-crossed lovers," and seeing this, the Capitol announces a rule change in the middle of the Games, saying that two tributes from the same district may win the Games as a pair, rather than only one victor allowed. Hearing this, Katniss searches for Peeta but finds him wounded, and plays the part of a teenage girl falling in love to gain favor with the audience and gifts from her sponsors.

When Katniss and Peeta are finally the last two tributes left, the Gamemakers suddenly reverse the rules and state that there can once more only be one winner, but the couple threatens suicide, hoping they would rather have two victors than none. It works, and Katniss and Peeta are both awarded and congradulated in the Capitol as winners of the 74th annual Hunger Games, but their mentor and former Games victor, Haymitch Abernathy, warns them that after defying the Capitol so publicly, they are political targets, and the book ends there. The second and third installments are called 'Catching Fire' and 'Mackingjay' by Suzanne Collins.

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Q: What day does the games begin in the Hunger Games?
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What happens in the middle of the book The Hunger Games?

well in the middle of the book the hunger games begin on the first day many tributes die i hope that gives you a hint.

What is the premier day of The Hunger Games?

March 23rd is the premier of "The Hunger Games" movie.

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The Hunger Games came to Directv the same day as it came out on DVD, August 18th.

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The Hunger Games and Battle Royale have a similar plot, but The Hunger Games is not a rip off. Here are some differences posted by our contributors:First of all, The Hunger Games is set in the future. Battle Royale is not.Battle Royale's "tributes" are captured and taken, the tributes in The Hunger Games are chosen.The Hunger Games can last longer than a day, Battle Royale's battles to the death do not.

How many tributes were killed on the second day of the seventy-fifth Hunger Games?

I'm pretty sure 8 tributes were killed on the second day of the 75th Hunger Games.

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The first chapter of The Hunger Games just explains what Katniss Everdeen does before the have the Reaping Day "lottery" done. The "lottery" is used to choose who will be tributes at the Hunger Games that year.

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Definetly the hunger games because they got 68.3 million dollars on opening day for that movie!

What people died the first day in the hunger games?

no one

How many games does addicting games have?

Addicting games have about... id say... 12 games give or take. in hunger games of course. I hope that answered your question. Have a nice day :)

What is the most important part in hunger games book 1?

The first big event in the Hunger Games is when Katniss goes to the District 12 reaping with her sister Primrose and other children from District 12.

How many tributes die on the second day of the Hunger Games?


What day is hunger games the movie is goin to be out?

sometime early 2012