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Pardoning Richard Nixon cost Gerald Ford popular support.

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Q: What decision by Gerald Ford cost him popular support?
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What decision by gerld ford cost him popular support?

Ford pardoned Nixon for Watergate.

When did Gerald Ford become president?

August 9, 1974 was the date that Ford took office.

How did Henry Ford make his money?

Henry Ford made his fortune by building the Ford Model T, which was one of the first and most popular cars. He mass produced this car, and went own to create Ford Motor Company.

What economic issue did President Gerald Ford struggle with during his time in office?

During the administration of Gerald Ford (1974-1977) he launched the much-maligned WIN program (Whip Inflation Now) to combat the inflationary trend called stagflation, which meant that prices moved higher during a period of little economic growth. The problem continued under his successor, Jimmy Carter, as inflation increased to record levels. There was some improvement, notably a growing economy, under Ronald Reagan, from 1980 to 1987.

Difference between centralize and decentralized organisations?

Centralized Versus Decentralized: The terms "centralized" and "decentralized" are important management concept. Often, they are used to refer to the distribution of authority and decision making with in an organization. Centralized Organizations: They are firms in which all the major decisions are made at the top of the organization hierarchy. In such organization, people at the top are in control of day-to-day operations. In the year when founder Henry ford was running the Ford Motor Company, the auto manufacturer was a very centralized organization. Every key decision -and many less important ones was made directly by Mr. Ford. For example, he insisted on approving all purchase order within the firm, a task that most CEOs of his stature delegated to subordinates. Today, Ford Motor Company is run quite differently than it was during its early years when Henry Ford was there, but many businesses (especially smaller ones) are still run in highly centralized manners. Decentralized organization: In such organizations responsibility for key decision is distributed as far down in the management hierarchy as is prudently possible. One of the advantages of decentralization is that it gives lower-level managers substantial practice at making decision in preparation is that for moving up the management hierarchy.