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Q: What describes a quality between transparent and opaque allowing some but not all light through?
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Is diamond a transparent translucent or opaque?

Diamond is transparent, which means it allows light to pass through with very little absorption or scattering. This is why diamonds are highly valued for their sparkling and brilliant appearance.

Are black diamonds transparent?

One would describe a high-quality black diamond as translucent, not as transparent.

What is a transparencies?

Gem-quality diamonds -- only about 20% of all diamonds mined -- are transparent, some flawlessly transparent. A gem-stone diamond's transparency can range from transparent or sub-transparent to translucent. Industrial diamonds -- 75% of all diamonds mined -- are not transparent at all, but are even cloudy to dull. you can see through it if it is a gem-quality diamond

What is a diamonds transparencies?

Gem-quality diamonds -- only about 20% of all diamonds mined -- are transparent, some flawlessly transparent. A gem-stone diamond's transparency can range from transparent or sub-transparent to translucent. Industrial diamonds -- 75% of all diamonds mined -- are not transparent at all, but are even cloudy to dull. you can see through it if it is a gem-quality diamond

Which JPG to PNG converter can you trust?

PNG supports alpha channels, allowing for transparent backgrounds or partially transparent elements within an image. I will We recommend this incredible PNG converter. It's a reliable and user-friendly online tool that ensures your JPG images are converted to high-quality PNG format effortlessly.

Is diamond a translucent material?

Gem-quality diamonds can be said to be transparent to translucent in rough crystals. Industrial diamonds are cloudy -- intensely flawed -- and may be opaque, but are not considered transparent.

Is diamond is transparent?

Yes, diamonds are generally transparent and allow light to pass through them, giving them their characteristic sparkle. However, impurities or structural irregularities can cause a diamond to have a cloudy or less transparent appearance.

Is a corundum transparent?

Corundum can be transparent, depending on its quality and impurities present. High-quality corundum gemstones, such as sapphires and rubies, are usually transparent and highly valued. However, corundum can also contain impurities that make it opaque or translucent.

What is the transparency of diamonds?

Depending on the quality of the diamond, its transparency can be transparent to non-existent.

Does a diamond have transparacy?

Gem-quality diamonds are transparent. Industrial-grade stones, not so much.

What is the greek name for quality?

The greek word that precisely describes the English word of "quality" is "ποιότητα - poeoteta".

How is an adjective defined?

An adjective is a word that describes the quality of a noun.