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shiny, clear

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Q: What descriptive word is used to describe glass?
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Difference between action and descriptive words?

An action word is just that, it is some sort of physical movement. A descriptive word can be any word that is used to describe something.

A word used to describe a color which is intense and glaring?

A descriptive word for a color that is intense and blaring could be "Brilliant."

What is the word to describe descriptive observation?

Empiricism ,

What is a collective noun for rare?

A collective noun is a noun used to group nouns for people or things in a descriptive way.The word 'rare' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.

Is the word temperature a verb?

No, "temperature" is not a verb. It is a noun used to describe the degree of hotness or coldness of an object or environment.

Another descriptive word for quartz - as in sandstone?

Maybe lechatelierite? Or crystal (as in quartz glass)?

Is the word you used in a descriptive essay?

wat ate u tryn to say u dick?????? wat word do u use? u use ur topic and describe it moron

Descriptive words to describe a cottage?

Gee, I'm not sure there are any descriptive words that describe. That's a good almost question.I believe "quaint" would be a good word to describe a cottage.

What does descriptive mean for kids?

Descriptive means a sentence or a story that is described the whole way through. There is no such thing as the word descriptive that's only for kids it is for everybody, anybody can be descriptive! Authors are descriptive because they describe poems, stories, etc. I hope I helped!

Is the word dark a descriptive adjective?

Yes, the word 'dark' is an adjective used to describe a noun (a dark night; a dark blue).The word 'dark' is also a noun; a word for the absence of light (I can't find my keys in the dark).

Are crazy quick and pretty adjectives?

Yes. An adjective is any word used to describe something or someone. All three of those words are descriptive and are considered adjectives.

What is one word to describe George Lucas?

Creative, descriptive, and imaginative. witty, creative, ahead of his time