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Except for brief periods of occasional rain, all deserts are in perpetual drought.

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Q: What deserts have droughts?
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Why are droughts found in deserts?

By definition, a desert is in a state of perpetual drought.

How did raptor live?

It lived by surviving hot deserts and long droughts.

How can you prevent desert droughts?

Deserts are naturally in a perpetual state of drought.

What relation do camels have to Asian deserts?

camels are found in the desert and have adaptations to survive droughts.

Why do deserts have dry droughts all the time?

Your question is redundant. There is no such thing as a wet drought. The geographic location of deserts prevents them from receiving moisture.

What desert had the most droughts?

All deserts are in a perpetual state of drought. However some deserts, such as the Atacama and the Antarctic, rarely receive any precipitation.

Does the Sahara Desert have droughts?

Except for brief periods of occasional rain, all deserts are in perpetual drought.

When is droughts most likely to occur?

Droughts are most likely to occur in places that experience unusually long periods of time between rains, such as semi-arid borderline deserts. They are also more common in areas that have been over-farmed and the topsoil has been depleted.

Where do most draughts occur?

They happen mostly in deserts where theirs not much rain and its very hot and dry there so desert areas have droughts sometimes for a couple of years.

What are facts about droughts?

There 10 facts about droughts

What natural disasters occur in the tropical savanna?

wildfires and droughts