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the energy of the particles (atoms or molecules) moving within the substance. solids will have the lowest energy, being the coldest, liquids will have intermediate energy and temperature, and gases will have the highest energy and be the hottest. you can think of it as ice, water and steam in terms of temperature. there's another state of matter called plasma but for most purpose this one isn't practical for use.

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2d ago

The boiling and freezing points of a substance are determined by its intermolecular forces. Stronger intermolecular forces result in higher boiling and freezing points, while weaker forces lead to lower points. Factors such as molecular weight and molecular structure also play a role in determining these points.

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15y ago

The way the layer interacts with solar radiation

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14y ago

The way the layer interacts with solar radiation.

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9y ago

There are several factors that can determine the temperature. The ocean currents, wind, height above sea level, clouds and slope of the land all factor in what the temperature is.

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15y ago

Wind, altitude, how close you are to the sea & the angle of the sun determine the weather

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14y ago

The average amount of kinetic energy of the particles in an object.

Kinetic energy is is the energy of motion, it depends on the speed and mass.

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12y ago

The average kinetic energy of the substance

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8y ago

mass; specific heat; the desired temperature difference.

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These characteristics depends on chemical composition and structure.

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Q: What determines boiling and freezing point of a substance?
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What can be a physical property of a substance?

boiling point, freezing point etc

Why can boiling points and freezing points be used to identify substance?

It's because substances have different boiling point and freezing point. By finding the exact boiling point and freezing point, you can identify a substance. Keep in mind that a material's melting point is the same as its freezing point. These are just different terms for the same thing, it just depends on whether energy is being removed from a substance (freezing) or if energy is being added to a substance (melting). The same thing also applies to the boiling/condensation point.

Is boiling point and freezing point matter?

Yes, boiling point and freezing point are physical properties that are specific to matter. The boiling point refers to the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas, while the freezing point is the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid. These properties vary depending on the chemical composition of the substance.

Are freezing and boiling points of a substance are the same?

No, they are different. For example: The freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit, while the boiling point is 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the boiling melting and freezing point?

A boiling point is a point on the temperature scale at which a substance begins to boil. A melting point is a point on the temperature scale at which a substance freezes. Melting and boiling points are unique to different types of elements.

What are the two physical properties that can help you identify a substance?

Color, freezing point, or even texture if the substance is solid.

What is a Substance with a really low boiling point?

Liquid nitrogen is one whose boiling point is way, way below the freezing point of water.

What are Boiling points and freezing points examples of?

boiling points are when a substance starts to boil. example- water 32degrees F A boiling point is when a liquid evaporates to form a gas. freezing points are when a substance starts to freeze. example- water 212degrees F A liquid freezes to a solid below its freezing point.

What is the boiling and freezing point of degrees Celsius?

You didn't say of what substance you want to know about. I will assume that you are talking about water. The boiling and freezing point of water are 100 degrees and 0 degrees, respectively.

3 facts about water?

boiling point = 100 degrees freezing point = 0 degrees is a ploar substance

What is the effect of the boiling point and freezing point of a solution with electrolytes is caused?

Adding electrolytes to a solution will typically raise the boiling point and lower the freezing point compared to a pure solvent. This is due to the phenomenon of colligative properties, where the presence of solute particles disrupts the formation of solvent crystal lattice structures at low temperatures and interferes with solvent vapor pressure at high temperatures.

How do you identify the change of state a substance is undergoing?

through it's boiling, melting, and freezing point.