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A prism can be used for splitting light into its constituent colors, but scientists tend to use a more precise instrument called a spectrograph.

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Q: What device is useful for viewing a spectrum of light?
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What is a spectroscope?

a spectroscope is a device that breaks up light into a spectrum of colors.

What device splits light into a spectrum for analysis?

A Triangular Prism

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A light microphone is not a viewing device. Microphones are for picking up sound.

What light is better for plants?

Sun light is better for plants to perform photosynthesis and red spectrum of light is more useful in this process.

What is a device that splits light into a spectrum for analysis?

A prism is a device that splits light into a band of colors known as spectrum by taking advantage of the property of different colors to travel with different velocities in the same medium. answered by priyanka tripathi 'diksha' frm: V.P.S.

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What is a sort of device is commonly used to separate the colors of light from white light?

One device that splits white light into the colors of the visible spectrum is called a prism. It is a triangular piece of glass through which a narrow band of white light can pass. The blue color light is bent most, and the red color light bent the least. So the colors in-between red and blue are seen on a screen as a spectrum. A rainbow is produced when drops of water in the sky have light passing into them, and the light is bent in a similar way, producing the spectrum. So there are many devices that can produce a spectrum of the colors.

What is the difference between full spectrum and ott light?

An OttLite actually uses full spectrum lighting, so there is no difference. Full spectrum means the light simulates natural sunlight, and that covers the electromagnetic spectrum from infrared through near-ultraviolet, or all wavelengths that are useful to plant or animal life.

Does the spectrum of light from a star have no gaps?

No, a spectrum of light with no gaps can not be achieved.

What is the small part of the light spectrum that you can see - called?

Visible light spectrum.

What is Visible light only a small portion of?

the light spectrum