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The waveform from a half wave rectifier looks just as it is described by its name: half of a full sine wave. That will cause a pulsed or "ripple" effect in the output voltage and current that come out from the rectifier.

Whether that will cause a problem depends on the application you are using.

For instance, if it is a light bulb, it will appear to flicker at the frequency of the alternating current service that has been rectified, which can be very annoying!

If it is a device such as a charger for the battery of a digital camera or an electric shaver, the pulsed output current doesn't matter at all.

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What effect does an open diode have on the output voltage of a half wave rectifier and on a full wave rectifier?

An open diode will result in no output from a half wave rectifier, and an open diode will cut the output of a full wave rectifier in half.

What happens to the output when one of the diode becomes open in full wave bridge rectifier?

The output degrades to a half-wave rectifier.

How many diodes are used to make a half wave rectifier?

You use a half-wave rectifier where the system design does not require a full-wave approach. Half wave rectifier output is used for running ac motors.

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What is the effect of an RL circuit in half wave rectifier?

The effect of an RL circuit in half wave rectifier is that the voltage output wave forms for current and voltage will be modified .

What is the output frequency of a half wave rectifier circuit if its input voltage has a frequency of 50 Hz?

The half-wave rectifier is conducting during only half of each cycle, so the fundamental output frequency is 50 Hz, and there are loads of harmonics of 50 Hz. also present in the output.

What is the frequency of ripple components in the output of capacitor filter?

It depends on whether or not it is a half wave or full wave rectifier. For a single phase 60 Hz rectifier, a half wave rectifier will be 60 Hz while a full wave rectifier will be 120 Hz. A three phase full wave rectifier will be 360 Hz.

What is the peak value of the input to a half wave rectifier if the half wave rectifier is 10V?

In this case, the peak voltage, which is half the peak to peak voltage, is 100 volts. Additionally, the half-wave rectifier will only provide an output for half the input cycle. In the case of a full wave rectifier, the RMS output voltage would be about 0.707 times the value of the peak voltage (100 volts), which would be about 70.7 volts. But with the output operating only half the time (because of the half wave rectification), the average output voltage will be half the 70.7 volts, or about 35.35 volts RMS.

What is the function of a capacitor in the half wave rectification?

to smooth the output of the half-wave rectifier from 1/2 an AC cycle per period to a constant voltage.

What does the out put wave form looks in a rectifier?

A rectifier allows current to flow only in one direction. In a half-wave rectifier circuit, an input wave which oscillates between positive and negative, will 'pass through' the positive portion of the wave, and when the input is negative will output zero. A full-wave rectifier circuit, is commonly configured with 4 rectifier diodes, which allow a positive wave to output when the input wave is negative.

Why we don't get negative half cycle in rectifier outpus?

We don't get negative half cycles at a rectifier's output only in a positive supply.If the supply is for a negative voltage, then there will be no positive half cycles at the output.Read a bit more about rectification.We don't get negative half cycle in rectifier outputs because the negative part of the supply only shows up across the diode when it is in the reverse bias and blocked (acting like an open switch) there by making the output voltage zero at that instant.

What is half wave precision rectifier?

A device that converts full wave signal to half wave rectified dc signal. The device operates only for half of the input cycle during which the input signal is alllowed to pass and stops transmission of the signal for other half cycle. ok?