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Einstein correctly predicted that the speed of light is constant relative to anything and everything.

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Q: What did Albert Einstein discover in light or sound?
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What is Albert Einstein's education requirements?

Albert Einstein is a person therefore doesn't have any education requirements. If that doesn't make sense...Get a degree in physics and ask someone to give you an Albert Einstein along with your degree. You might get punched because that just doesn't sound right.

What does Albert Einstein sound like?

Einstein no longer makes any kind of sound, and hasn't for over 50 years now. When he was alive, he had a high squeaky voice and spoke with a German accent.

What is a way light and sound are different?

light has properties of both a wave and a particle whereas sound travels exclusively as a waves. i think Einstein did some work with light waves

Does sound have mass?

No. Sound is mechanical energy. Mechanical energy does not have mass. And no form of energy has mass. But energy has a mass equivalent per E=mc2 thanks to Albert Einstein.

When did Isaac Newton discover the speed of sound?

Newton was more into light. Ernst Mach was the sound guy. Mach being the speed of sound.

Is light and sound is matter?

Matter has to have mass, and you are not able to collect light and sound and find out the mass.

Does sound and light need the same medium to travel?

as we know that according to Einstein explanation light travelled very faster then the sound this means that light even can travelled without a medium.bue sounds need travelling vaccum to travelled in

Why light sound and energy are not considered to be matter?

Sort of. Light and sound are forms of energy, which according to Einstein, is a form of matter ( E=mc2). For most purposes, though, energy isn't really matter. moreover , light and sound is energy not matter because it is the massless particle..!

What did Albert Einstein discovered in his life?

He discovered E=mc2, theories about mass, energy, and gravity, and all about life itself personally! Albert Einstein also helped invent the atomic bomb. He also wrote his theory of Photo Electric Affect. Because of the photo electric affect, you plasma screen T.V. works! Read a biography about him! I know that it may sound boring, but Albert Einstein was a really weird dude! I hope that answers you question a little bit!

What was Albert Einstein's favorite sport?

This might sound strange but sailing used to be a sport and that was his favorite!He sure liked it!Also for what was a sport back then he played the violin and piano

When a ball is thrown at a speed greater than that of light how does it appear?

Strange as it may sound, a fourteen year old once asked this question about a street car moving away from a clock at a speed faster than the speed of light. His name was Albert Einstein! What he eventually proved, and all experimental evidence since then has, without exception, completely supported his ideas; is that nothing with mass can be made to exceed the speed of light.

What did Albert Einstein invent'?

Einstein was best known as a theoretical physicist, but working in a patent office in Germany, he also became a less well known inventor. In physics, Albert Einstein is responsible for developing his Special and General Theories of Relativity (E=Mc2), and he did some important work on the photoelectric effect.He co-invented a type of refrigerator with no moving parts; patent number 1781541. An electromagnetic pump; patent number GB303065, a self adjusting camera; patent number US2058562, and a sound replication device; patent number DE590783. Along with dozens of other patents worldwide.Its no that he had invented anything really, because he is a physcist, but he had come up with E=mc squared. And the relevance between light and its reflection.