

What did Apollo represent?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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Apollo represented the healing and life giving purposes of the sun

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What did the god Apollo represent?


What does the god Apollo represent?

the sun

What does Apollo's chariot represent?

he represents the gods

What did Apollo represent in ancient Egypt?

patrient guy

What color represents Apollo?

The color that would most likely represent Apollo would be gold or yellow. He does represent the sun, and the sun is gold. Also, his chariot is golden.

What does Apollo represent?

Apollo more often than not represents the sun. But he is also know for healing, poetry, prophecy, and the plague.

Why does the raven represent Apollo?

Inspite of its dark appearance,the raven is often a solar symbol.In Greece he was sacred to Apollo,The God of light.

What did the Greek god Apollo represent?

Knowledge and culture. He was also a sun god.

What kind of gods represent megara Greece?

Apollo was megara's god he was the god of the sun

What colors represent the Greek god Apollo?

yellow blue green and white MASTER (*_*)

What does Apollo's temple represent?

Greek mythology) the oracle at Delphi where a priestess supposedly delivered messages from Apollo to those who sought advice; the messages were usually obscure or ambiguousFamiliarity information: TEMPLE OF APOLLO used as a noun is very rare.

How did the laurel wreath represent Apollo?

Apollo was deeply in love with a mountain nymph named Daphne, who rejected his advances and fled from him. To escape him forever, she was turned into a laurel tree, which Apollo then made sacred, and he made a wreath from the leaves to console himself.