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After cesars gost was seen by brutas, he did not have any thing to say. It litterally knocked the breath out of him. and what some people dont know is that he had a heartattack that almost killed him and the gost was said to have saved brutas. He nmight not have been saying any thing i think i know what he was thinking. What would you think if you saw a gost.

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Caesar's ghost warned Brutus of the city of Philippi.

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He says he'll meet him at Philippi.

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Q: What did Brutus say when he saw caesars ghost?
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What does Caesar's ghost say to Brutus?

Et Tu Brutus

Who does the ghost of Caesar say he is to Brutus?

Thy evil spirit, Brutus. (4.3.325)

Where does the ghost of caesar say he will see brutus again?

At Philippi.

When Cassius tells Brutus he fears Caesars ambition what does Brutus say his frame of mind has been?

Brutus thinks that Caeser has gotten too powerful and should be stopped his frame of mind is that they should assassinate Caeser

Did people saw ghost?

some people say or prove that they see ghost if it is true people see ghost but i think there are no ghost

How do you know you saw a ghost?

ok, say that you saw a shadow figure of a man in your yard, then you look again and he's gone. He's a ghost. Sometimes ghost have a grayish color to them.

What does Brutus say about Caesar's spirit at Philippi?

Julius Caesar did not fight at the Battle of Philippi (42 BC). He died two years earlier (44 BC). It was his assassination which led to this battle in which Octavian and Mark Antony defeated Brutus and Crassus. Brutus could not have said anything about the fighting spirit of Marc Antony and Octavian because he committed suicide when he saw that surrender and capture were inevitable. In Shakespeare's play, Brutus was spoken to by the ghost of Caesar. Brutus says that he would have liked to talk to Caesar more but the ghost vanished. He acts afraid and says that Caesar is still mighty and great.

What did Julius caesars senators think of him?

Well he was declared dictator, tried to dissolve the senate and eventually was murdered by a few senators including Brutus. So i would say they disliked him.

Who did Caesar say et tu brute to?

Caesar said "Et tu Brute"( You also Brutus) to Marcus Brutus when he saw that Brutus, his dear friend who was his heart, was also stabbing him...he lost all hope and reason to live when he saw his best friend betraying him and gave up on his life with these words.

What happened when the first ghost was sighted?

Who could ever say they saw the first ghost that was ever sighted, I suppose a lot of us would actually wonder if what you saw was infact a ghost or a figment of your imagination, if a ghost was ever first sighted you would probably have to go back to cavemen days, maybe he saw a ghost dinosaur!!

What line does caesars ghost say thou shalt see me at phillipi?

Caesar's Ghost in response to Brutus's question "Why comest thou?" says "To tell thee thou shalt see me at Philippi" in Act IV Scene 3 of the play about 285 lines into the scene. However, line numbers cannot be relied upon because they change from edition to edition, so whatever edition you are using may have a different line number for this line.

Does the ghost of James Buchanan haunt the White House?

I'll put an end to ghost stories! No I won't, people are going to keep believing no matter what I say. Well, if someone tells you they saw a ghost with clothes on, don't believe it! Because if they saw one with clothes on, then there is a seamstress that makes clothes for ghosts. How they get paid? With ghost money!