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As far as I can find in the Thomas Jefferson Papers, the last letter that William Clark wrote to Thomas Jefferson was on December 15, 1825.

Here's a link to the image: (be sure to click "next" for the next two pages)

And here's my interpretation of the letter (there's some pieces missing, I had some difficulty reading Clark's script)

Saint Louis December 15th, 1825

"My Dear Sir,

I have ___ ___ of receiving __ a letter from your ___ __ "September 25" which had offered my much pleasure, ___ in that friendship of a man whom I have always had the highest veneration and respect for. I am not the only one in this Section of the Country which feels proud of the University which you have laboured so long to establish, and get into such a state of ___, as much ___ our ___ Country even the ___ __ of its great importance to their nation.

Several gentlemen with whom I have convened ___ the ___ of your letter, have expressed a determination to send their sons to that institution, my own wish and intention has been, to endeavor to have my son educated at that University - and having heard that preparatory schools had been opened. I went on with two of my sons to Virginia in 1824 to place them at school there, finding that I was misinformed. My older son was placed in a private school in New Jersey, and the other ___ to this place. I have five sons, the oldest of them Meriwether Lewis of 17 years of age is a Cadet at West Point; he is a youth of Capacity and application, ___ __ ___ an education which he wishes to complete at ___ University after he leaves W. Point.

My 2nd Son William is 14 years of age, ___ ___ with good Capacity, deficient in application. My 3rd Son George Rogers is 11 years old ___ application and a mind equal to any boy of his age. My 4th Son John is 8 years old, is sprightly, but unfortunately deformed. My 5th Son Thomas Jefferson is only 2 years old and very promising - Those boys I am extremely anxious to educate, yet I am apprehensive that it will not be in my power to Complete the education of more than one or two of them; my means being very limited depending upon my Salary of $1500 per anum, for every Constringency; and our Schools in this quarter are of the most indifferent Class. I shall endeavor to __ my Son William as much as possible to qualify him for this University by the time he is 16 years of age, at which time I hope to be enabled to land him there.

As one of the objects of the institution at ___ in the Collection of a Museum of natural history, of Minerals, of Curiosities in General, of Art or Nature; it would afford me pleasure to contribute Something __ and it of such ___ _ are sometimes collected in this Western Section of the Union: and it is with regret that I have collected but __ of such as would be respectable. My Collection consists mostly in such articles as __ ___ or __ to be damaged by worms or __, however I have applied to the Indian Agents for their ___, and shall take such __ as well as __, enable me to Collect for the institution ___, Minerals, Crystals, Indian ___ __ __ which together with a part of Such as I have shall be forwarded to you by the way of New Orleans and Richmond.

In my present situation of _____ of Indian affairs, it would afford me pleasure to be enabled to ___ the conditions of those unfortunate people placed under my Charge, knowing as I do their relationship, and their __ decline. - It is to be lamented that these deplorable Situations of the Indians do not ___ __ of the humane feelings of their Nation.

I find your answers to ___ who have __ you, and your advice to them ___ who by Several of ___ who refer to them for their ___ of Indian happenings. Those people begin to see their dependances upon Agriculture and if proper aid was afforded them, much could be effected in bettering their Situation. As I feel some ___ for the Indians, it would afford me much pleasure to have your ___ on the Subject, which would enable me to use the __ means in my power to the foundation to ___ favorable __ in their Condition.

As my ___ with __ no to the City of Washington this winter it would be highly gratifying to me to be enabled to __ Monticello in my bout to, or from that place, but as the means of traveling is either by water or the Stages, __ that I shall be deferred of the pleasure.

__ to __ of the high __ and the best wishes for your health and Happiness of a friend,

William Clark "

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