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When she met Caesar, Cleopatra wanted 1) her throne back and 2) she wanted to make some sort of deal with Caesar in regard to paying off her father's dept which Caesar and Pompey had bought up.

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Q: What did Cleopatra want from Cesar?
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What did Cleopatra want to see happen or wanted to experience?

she basically wanted to marry Cesar but she and him had arguments

What are the children that Cleopatra had with Julius Cesar?

Caesar I

What children did Cleopatra have with Julio Cesar?

Cleopatra had one child that she said was fathered by Julius Caesar. Caesar denied it.

Is Cleopatra alive or dead?

The famous Cleopatra, is dead, she was the last of the Pharaohs of Egypt and lived at the same time as Julius Cesar

What people did Cleopatra love?

cleopatra loved herself she never loved mark antony or julius cesar that was only for power..

Why did Cleopatra murder her brother?

she did not murder her brother Cesar did it because he wanted power

What was Cleopatra's husbands name?

Cleopatra's first husband was her younger brother Ptolemy, then it was Julius Cesar Julius died, Cleopatra married Marc Anthony until she heard a rumor that he had died then Cleopatra committed suicide by letting a cobra bite her.

Was Cleopatra ugly?

Cleopatra was extremely ugly, and the only reason she was able to seduce Mark and Julies Cesar was her extreme intellect and charm. Even the 10 coins that portray Cleopatra showed her as a very unflattering figure.

Who were Cleopatras husbands names?

Cleopatra married her younger brother when her dad died, then he brother kicked her off the throne. Then Cleopatra married Julius Cesar and once he died Marc Anthony. Then she heard a rumor that he had died so Cleopatra committed suicide.

How did Cleopatra's fourth husband die?

Cleopatra married her younger brother when her dad died, then her other younger brother kicked her off the throne. Then Cleopatra married Julius Cesar and once he died she married Marc Anthony. Anthony died in 30 BC after commiting suicide and Cleopatra did the same soon after.

Who were Cleopatra's kids?

Cleopatra's kids were Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene and Ptolemy Philadelphos.Cleopatra's kids were Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene and Ptolemy Philadelphos.Cleopatra's kids were Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene and Ptolemy Philadelphos.Cleopatra's kids were Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene and Ptolemy Philadelphos.Cleopatra's kids were Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene and Ptolemy Philadelphos.Cleopatra's kids were Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene and Ptolemy Philadelphos.Cleopatra's kids were Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene and Ptolemy Philadelphos.Cleopatra's kids were Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene and Ptolemy Philadelphos.Cleopatra's kids were Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene and Ptolemy Philadelphos.

Where does Cesar Chavez want to go?

To jail