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Who developed a theory about the effect of gravity?

Isaac newton

Who discovered the law of motion and the law of universal gravitation?

Sir Isaac Newton.

Who defined the laws of motion?

Isaac Newton formulated the laws of motion. These should not be confused with the laws of planetary motion by Keplar

Was Isaac Newton's Birth Father's name Isaac?

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A scientist from this country done an experiment about gravity?

England: Sir Isaac Newton, Henry Cavendish

What is Isaac Newton nickname?

Sir Isaac Newton did not have a nickname. He was simply known as Sir Isaac Newton during his lifetime.

What was Sir Isaac Newton's farthers name?

Isaac's father was also named Isaac newton.

What is Isaac newton dad's name?

Isaac Newton the Elder, Iaac Newton was named after his father.

What was sir Isaac newton's real name?

"Isaac Newton was Sit Isaac Newton's real name.

What has the author Isaac Newton Clark written?

Isaac Newton Clark has written: 'Isaac Newton Clark'