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George Peters.

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Q: What did Huck tell the lady in town that his real name was?
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After the visit with the lady in town what did Huck tell Jim?


What did Huck tell the person in the house that his name was?

Huck told the person in the house that his name was George Jackson.

What did the lady in town tell Huck?

The lady in town tells Huck about the tragic murder of the Grangerford family members by the Shepherdsons. She warns Huck to stay away from the feud between the two families.

To whom did Huck tell the truth about the king and the duke and their plan to swindle the girls and the real brothers?

Huck told Mary Jane Wilks the truth about the king and the duke and their plan to swindle her and her sisters, and the real brothers.

In chapter 17 when Huck forgets his name in the adventures of Huckleberry Finn how does he get Buck to tell him what it is?

Huck gets Buck to tell him his name by tricking Buck into saying it out loud while inspecting the room for snakes. Huck pretends to be worried about snakes and suggests that saying their names prevents them from appearing. This prompts Buck to unknowingly reveal Huck's name in the process.

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where did he get the answer and can he tell me the real site name where did he get the answer and can he tell me the real site name

Who did huck tell the woman in the town he was when she guessed he was pretending to be a girl?

an escaped apprentice! ___________________

Why is huck so eager to tell Mary Jane that she will be reunited with her slaves?

Huck is eager to tell Mary Jane that she will be reunited with her slaves because he see her crying. Huck even cries a little at seeing Mary Jane in such distress.

Did tom reveal to Huck that the man in the floating house was his father?

No, Tom did not reveal to Huck that the man in the floating house was his father. Huck recognized his father, but he did not tell Tom about it.

Will you ever tell me your name?

Sure! My user name is Doditov. You don't get the "for real" name, that's for the real world.

What is cheery real name?

There is not a way to tell what Cherry's real name is. There are many of people that has a nick name of Cherry.

What did the young boy who was walking along the river tell Huck when he returned to leave with Jim?

The young boy warns Huck that people are looking for Jim because he has run away. He tells Huck that Jim is suspected of murdering Huck.