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Niels Bohr proposed a "planetary system" model for the atom.

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Q: What did Niels Bohrs work add to the model of the atom?
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Did niels bohr's atom model have a cloud of positive charge?

yes, they are depicted by a red subatomic particle.

What did Niels Bohr contribute to the understanding of the atom?

Niels Bohr created the Bohr Model of the atom. It was an improvement on previous models (Thompson's Plum Pudding Model, Rutherford's model, etc.) which depicted the atom as a positive nucleus surrounded by negative electrons. Niels Bohr was also a member of the team of scientists working on the Manhattan Project.

Does Bohr's model of the atom work for every atom?

Yes it does

How do you make jj Thomsons atom?

J.J. Thomson proposed that an atom consists of a mixture of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons. In his model, the electrons can be thought of as tiny marbles suspended in a "pudding" made up of protons. Niels Bohr found this model to be incorrect, and instead described the atom more accurately as a sort of planetary configuration. In his model, electrons orbit the nucleus which consists of the protons. Bohr's model was backed up experimentally by Ernest Rutherford's work.

Why doesnt bohrs model work for helium?

Helium. nor any other noble gas was discovered during Bohr's time, no such "saturated" element was known to exist.

How did Rutherfords work help form the present day model of a atom?

The atomic model of Rutherford was a step in the historical development of the today concept of an atom.

How did Rutherford's work help form the present day model of the atom?

The atomic model of Rutherford was a step in the historical development of the today concept of an atom.

Bohr what did he do?

Niels Bohr (the father, not the son who also got a Nobel prize) is n´known for: - Nuclear models with layers explaining radiation - Contributions to quantum mechanics - Politcal work after WWI to put the nuclear bomb under UN control

Who is work contributed most to the model of a atom?

You think probable to Ernest Rutherford.

What contribution to atomic theory resulted from Albert Einsteins work?

a new model of the atom that describe electrons as being in a cloud

Why niels bohr is important?

Niels Bohr is important for his work in the areas of atomic structure and quantum theory. He was a physicist from the country of Denmark.

Does the Bohr model work for every atom?

The Bohr model does not work at all for atoms having more than one electron because it does not account for interactions between the electrons.