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Demand state right were dangerous to the union... APEX :))))

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Q: What did Northerners most agreed?
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On the issue of secession most Northerners agreed that?

Demands for states' rights were dangerous to the union

northerners mostly agreed that?

Demands for states rights were dangerous to the Union

Northerners mostly agreed that what?

Demands for states rights were dangerous to the Union

Who demanded nothing less than a revolution in the government of the country and many US Northerners agreed with him?

William Lloyd Garrison

What were the Northern and Southern positions in the Constitutional Convention on outlawing slave trade?

this is off my book so... northerners agreed that congress could not outlaw the slave trade for at least 20 years. after that, congress could regulate the slave trade if it wished. northerners also agreed that no state could stop a fugitive slave from being returned to and owner who claimed that slave.

Why did northerners not like the fugitive slave act?

Northerners did not like the Fugitive Slave Act because it required them to assist in the capture and return of runaway slaves, going against their beliefs in anti-slavery. It also denied fugitive slaves the right to a fair trial, leading to widespread opposition and aiding the growth of the abolitionist movement.

Whose goal was it to ban slavery in western territories?

It was the Wilmot Proviso that declared that there should be no slavery in the new states. This gained support in Congress, and by 1860 most Northerners agreed with it, while tolerating slavery in its traditional heartlands. That was how Lincoln got elected.

What two parts of the Compromise of 1850 appealed most to Northerners?

Northerners were most pleased that California was admitted as a free state. The south was pleased that the fugitive slave act REQUIRED assistance in capturing runaway slaves or face imprisonment.

What did most northerners think of john brown's raid on harpers ferry how did the attitudes of northerners and southerners differ?

He was a thot- Tyson Mayfield of Kansas XDXDXD

Why were most northerners willing to go to war?

To save the cotton revenues.

What did most Northerners think was the best way to win the war?

To end the war.

What compromise did the north and south reach on the slave trade?