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Sculpting, drawing, engraving, lithographs - all kinds of art. No time for other jobs.

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Jerrold Quitzon

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1y ago
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14y ago

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13y ago

He painted many images, also did pottery, etchings and drawing. Some of the most well known are 'Guernica', 'Weeping Woman' and 'Portrait of Dora Maar' See the link for some paintings.

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12y ago

Brushes, oil paint and canvas.

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15y ago

People, Still-lifes.

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14y ago

Ordinary artist's oil paint.

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Q: What did Picasso paint with?
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Did Picasso paint jeanne hebuterne?


What style did Picasso paint in?

oil on canvas

Why did Picasso paint Glass and pitcher?

Coz He did

When did Picasso paint the house in a garden?


How did Picasso paint the picture 'Weeping Woman'?

By applying oil paint on a canvas.

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What are the materials used for Picasso to make Main de Picasso?

oil paint, charcoal, paint brushes

How did Pablo Picasso paint?

With a Paint Brush and Paint. Using his arms.

How many paining did Picasso do?

Picasso has paint 13,500 it so cool:)

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Did Picasso paint jeanne hebuterne?


When did Pablo Picasso paint the potrait of Maya?

it was painted in 1938 by pablo Picasso :)

When did Picasso paint himself portraits?

picasso painted his own portrait in 1907

What did Picasso use to paint his famous paintings?

Oil paint on canvas.

When did Pablo Picasso paint Picasso's mother?

Pablo Picasso. Portrait of the Artist's Mother.1896. Pastel on Paper. Museo Picasso, Barcelona, Spain.

How did Picasso get his inspiration to paint?

He looked at stuff

What did Pablo Picasso use for art?
