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Josef Stalin did many harsh things to his enemies include executions and imprisonment without due process. This was one of his best know characteristics in which he treated those who dare oppose him with no remorse.

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They got graped. Every single one. No survivors.

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Killed them or sent them to work camp

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Q: What did Stalin do when people stood in his way?
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Joseph Stalin was an incredibly infamous man that people were terrified of. Joseph Stalin was a cruel leader who hurt many people.

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Hitler and Stalin were alike in the way that they both used extreme measures that ended with the same basic results. Hitler was responsible for the death of million of Jews and Stalin was responsible for hundreds of thousands of death for the Jews. Stalin was also responsible for the deaths of thousands of communists he believed were disloyal to him. Between both dictators, millions of people were killed and or executed.

How many people did Joseph Stalin kill with his terror famine?

Many people are saying that Joseph Stalin killed 20 million people. WRONG.... Stalin killed 42 million people.

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People. People who didn't want things to change who were afraid of following another faith simply just people.

How did Joesph Stalin organize the economy of Russia?

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no only the black people stood all the white people left.

Why is symbolism so important in 'Animal Farm'?

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