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They inferred that the Appalachian Mountains have been eroding for millions of years.

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Q: What can geologists infer from the rounded and eroded shapes of the Appalachian mountins?
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What do geologists infer from the rounded eroded shapes of the Appalachian mountains?

bubble gum

Why have the Appalachian mountains eroded more than the rocky?

because they are very old and have been eroded by the elements

What are the Appalachian Highlands?

The Appalachian Highlands are old, eroded mountains (the oldest in North America) ranging from eastern Canada to western Alabama

The Appalachian Mountains are which type of mountain?

The Appalachian Mtns are very, very old, highly eroded folded mountains.

What region has old eroded mountains Oldest mountains in North America?

The Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York are considered to be some of the oldest mountains in North America. They are heavily eroded and characterized by their dome-like shape, which contrasts with the more rugged peaks of younger mountain ranges.

How has erosion shaped formerly large mountain ranges like the Appalachian mountain range?

it has eroded the peaks

What are some differences between the Canadian shield and the Appalachian mountains?

They both have been greatly eroded over time.

Why do mountains have rounded?

the peaks become weathered and eroded. that's why the peaks are rounded.

How are Rocky mountains different from Appalachian mountains?

The Rocky Mountains are taller than Appalachian Mountains and has sharp pointy peaks. The Rocky Mountains are taller.They Both have eroded. The Appalachian Mountains are older and shorter than rocky mountains.

What do the Appalachian Mountains look like?

The Appalachian Mountains are mountains that are only about 30,000 ft in elevation, they are much older than the Rockey Mountains, so they have been weathered and eroded in witch gives them rounded tops and there shorter elevation.

How are the Appalachian Mountains similar and different from the Rocky Mountains?

The Rocky Mountains are taller than Appalachian Mountains and has sharp pointy peaks. The Rocky Mountains are taller.They Both have eroded. The Appalachian Mountains are older and shorter than rocky mountains.

Was there picture of Appalachian mountains?

At the link below see some pictures. Notice that the mountains are not very tall. That is because they are old and have been eroded.