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Q: What did isaac newton mom and dad do?
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Who was in Isaac Newton's family?

Dad- Isaac Newton, Sr. Mom- Hannah Ayscough Step-dad- Barnabus Smith Brother- Benjamin Newton Sisters- Mary and Hannah Newton

What is isaac newton's dad's name?

Isaac Newton

What is Isaac newton's dad's name?

Isaac newton

What was the name of Isaac newtonds dad?

Isaac Newton's dad was also named Isaac Newton he was a prosperous farmer. He died 3 months before Isaac Newton was born.

What is Isaac's dad's name?

Isaac newton

Sir Isaac Newton mom and dad?

i think he means his mom and dad. the answer to what you asked is impossible to answer. please try again when you can speak normally and not like a spam email.

What is Isaac newton dad's name?

Isaac Newton the Elder, Iaac Newton was named after his father.

What is sir Isaac newton's dad's name?

His name was also Isaac Newton

Who is Isacc newton's mom?

Isaac Newton's mom is named Hannah.

What were newtons parents jobs?

His Dad: Isaac newton (Died October 1642) - Yeoman His Mom: Hannah NEwton (Or Hannah Ayscough before) - Farm Manager

Did sir isaac have a dad?

Newton DID have a dad but his dad died a couple months before Newton was born.

Newton's dad is named what?

his name was also isaac newton