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a skirt made out of feathers and a otter pelt cape.

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4mo ago

Karana made a dress out of cormorant feathers in "Island of the Blue Dolphins". She also made a skirt out of kelp.

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Q: What did karana make to wear in Island of the Blue Dolphins?
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How did karana make her clothes in Island of the Blue Dolphins?

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What does karana make her skirt out of?

Karana makes her skirt out of cormorant feathers that she collects from the shores of the island where she is stranded in the book "Island of the Blue Dolphins" by Scott O'Dell.

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Karana made a fire in "Island of the Blue Dolphins" by using two sticks to create friction and generate heat. She used a bow drill method to create the necessary friction to produce a spark and ignite the fire.

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In "Island of the Blue Dolphins" by Scott O'Dell, mah-nay is a word used by the protagonist Karana to refer to a type of red clay found on the island. It is used to make pots and weapons.

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In the sequel to "Island of the Blue Dolphins," it is explained that Karana's niece, Tutok, is the daughter of her brother Ramo, who survived the wild dogs' attack but later died on the ship that rescued them. Tutok grew up on another island and later reunited with Karana.

In te story The island and the blue dolphins what does Karana use to make pots to cook in?

Karana uses clay from the riverbed to make pots to cook in. She shapes the clay into pots and then fires them to harden them, creating functional cooking vessels.

Island of the Blue Dolphins what tool karana uses for cutting poles?

Karana uses a type of stone adze for cutting poles in "Island of the Blue Dolphins." This tool is essential for her survival on the island and helps her build shelter and equipment necessary for her daily life.

What weapons does katana make in island of the blue Dolphins?

In "Island of the Blue Dolphins," Karana makes weapons such as a spear using an abalone shell, a bow and arrows with wood and sinew, and a fish hook made from an old nail. These weapons help her defend herself, hunt for food, and survive on the island.

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In the book island of the blue dophoins What did karana MAKE OUT OF Sea elphant teeth

What weapons did karana make?

Karana made weapons such as a bow and arrows, spears, and a new knife out of materials she found on the island. These weapons helped her defend herself against wild dogs and other dangers on the island in the book "Island of the Blue Dolphins" by Scott O'Dell.

How did Karana protect her food from the mice island of the blue dolphins?

Karana protected her food from the mice on the island of the blue dolphins by suspending it from the roof of her shelter using strings so that the mice couldn't reach it. She also placed pottery shards on the ground around her food to deter the mice from coming near. Additionally, she kept a close eye on her food and would often check on it to make sure it was safe.

In the Island of the Blue Dolphins What does she make in the cave to pass the time?

In "Island of the Blue Dolphins," Karana passes time by making a fence out of coral and abalones shells to protect herself. She also makes a necklace out of fish bones and crafts baskets from kelp.