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Under-armour clothing evolved heavily throughout the medieval and renaissance eras, as armour itself developed.

Armour evolved from maille hauberks in the beginning of the medieval era, a form of defence which had been in use since the roman era, to the steady adoption of rigid plates, which eventually replaced maille entirely.

Maille as a defensive garment is highly effective in preventing cutting, or shearing forces, but as it is made of connected links, can move, meaning that force can be passed through it. to protect from that impact shock, the early medieval kight would wear a padded garment called a gambeson, made from strong linen, and padded with wool or flax. The gambeson was often worn on its own by poorer soldiers, as it offered protection from injury itself.

As plate armour developed, so too did the clothing which was worn; Plate sections were first won over maille, and then later worn on their own as the maille became redundant. The plates required attachment to the body ,however, and so the gambesons had cords, called points, sewn into the shoulders, elbow, and similar areas to allow plate peices to be tied into position.

As plate became more advanced, maille was steadily abandoned. Plates are far more rigid than maille was, and this meant that the padding underneath could likewise be reduced, making the gambeson less bulky. By the 14th century, therefore, the knight had instead begun wearing an undergarment called the jupion, or arming coat. This garment was similar to a strong, heavily-built waistcoat, which dropped to just below the hips, and, which like the earlier gambeson, was laced with points, to suspend the shoulders, elbows, and particularly the leg armour, which without such attachment will easily slp down when walking, making it very uncomfortable.

Into the 15th century, the jupion evolved further, and as armour reached its technological peak, the undergarment was evolved into the arming doublet - an all-enclosing, very lightly padded garment which the plates attached.

Original Answer

Chain mail. It is little rings put together to make an armor that can with stand any type of weapon exsept for the long bow and cross bow.

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2mo ago

Knights wore suits of armor made from metal plates to protect their bodies in battle. These suits of armor typically included a helmet, breastplate, gauntlets, greaves, and other protective pieces to cover all parts of the body. The armor was designed to deflect blows from weapons and provide maximum protection for the wearer.

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11y ago

The knights wore armor to protect their bodies. The armor usually covered them from head to toe. Also the armor they wore were heavy but durable for battle.

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A gambeson.

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