

What did puritans do on Sunday?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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12y ago

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sunday was a very holy day for puritans as with many christians, the puritans however would throw out religion in gods name on sundays, holding massive orgies eating human flesh smoking cannabis and torturing the indians for their land

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blue laws

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They changed the church servises into a more formal, dull and less enjoyable way. The apperance of the churches were not very bright .

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the blue laws

The Puritans in New England enacted strict religious laws forbidding all forms of entertainment on Sunday What are these laws called?

Blue Laws

The puritans were not allowed on Sunday why?

The Puritans believed in strict observance of the Sabbath as a day of rest and worship. They believed that Sunday should be dedicated to religious activities only and secular activities like dancing or playing games were seen as inappropriate on the Sabbath.

The puritans in New England enacted strict religious laws forbidding all forms of entertainmenton on Sunday these laws were called?

it was called the blue laws