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stone age men made weapons out of stone and bones for example bone needle

stone axe etc.

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Q: What did stone age men use to make weapons?
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What advance did people make during the old stone age?

During the paleolithic age men hunted and women gathered. men and women made simple tools and weapons such as digging sticks, spears and axes.They eventually created a stone age language to help communicate and help them cooperate.

What did men have as jobs in the old stone age?

In the Old Stone Age (also known as the Paleolithic Period), men primarily engaged in hunting and gathering activities. They were responsible for hunting large game animals, such as bison and mammoths, using tools like spears and stone-tipped arrows. Additionally, men would gather plants, fruits, nuts, and other edible resources to sustain their communities.

How did the stone age get its name?

Men used to used many tools made out of stone. This caused the that time to be named The Stone Age. Hope it helps! :D

Did the men or women make pottery during cro magnons time?

No. Cro-Magnon were stone age people. Pottery is not a product of the stone age.

How did stone aged men learn how to use weapons?

If you went to google and researched the Neolithic Age, you would know that Neo means old and lithic means stone tools and that they learned to use weapons by picking up stones and throwing them, finding out that some stones break other things. All they had was stones. HENCE STONE AGED MEN.

How did the old stone age gets it name?

The Old Stone Age got its name because men would make tools out of got its name because most tools were made of stone.

What did the men do during the stone age?


What name do historians give the time after the stone age?

Historians generally refer to the time after the Stone Age as the Bronze Age, followed by the Iron Age. The Bronze Age witnessed the widespread use of bronze for tools and weapons, while the Iron Age marked the shift to using iron. These periods are characterized by significant advancements in human civilization, including the development of more complex societies, technological innovations, and the emergence of early civilizations.

What did men wear in the stone age?

Bikinis and thongs

What did old stone age men wear?

not sure

What is the difference between stone age and ice age men?

snow balls

Why was the iron age important?

It is the age of where men sttarted using iron in their weapons, ex: A dagger in Egypt.