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Q: What did the American colonists say when they objected to Britain's imposed taxes?
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Taxes were imposed on the colonists?

Yes, there were many taxes imposed on the American colonies by the British Empire.

What was the main reason for the protest of taxes and laws imposed on the American colonists?

The Colonist Were Not Represented In Parliament

What was the main reason the colonists resented the acts imposed by parliament?

The main reason that the colonists resented the acts imposed on them by Parliament is that they had no say in the creation of those acts. This is the issue of taxation without representation that you learn about in American history in school.

During the American Revolution what did the patriots reject?

The colonists objected to the tax laws and tariffs that were being imposed upon them by Parliament. Prior to the French and Indian War, Britain had allowed the colonies few taxes and more self governance. They viewed the acts as the attempted subjugation of the colonies by King George and Parliament. They also objected to being forced to pay taxes when they had no representation in Parliament.

What was one of the effects of the French and Indian War on American colonists?

One of the effects of the French and Indian War on the American colonists was that Great Britain imposed new taxes on the colonists in order to pay war debts.

Why did american colonist resist the new laws taxes and acts imposed by the king what was the argument?

The American colonists did not have a say in the laws and taxes, so they felt it was unfair to have them imposed. The American Revolutionary War began in 1775.

Who sat on the throne of England during the American Revolution?

King George III was the British ruler during the American Revolution. He imposed taxes on the colonists. This made the colonists dissatisfied, which led to the American Revolution.

What was the mercantile systems which was imposed on American colonists by Britain?

Colonists ship raw materials to the mother country and purchase manufactured goods from the mother country.

What was the mercantilism system which was imposed on American colonists by Britain?

Colonists ship raw materials to the mother country and purchase manufactured goods from the mother country.

What was the name of the new tax that ws imposed on all American colonists?

The Acts imposed on the Colonists were the Sugar Act, Quartering Act, and Stamp Act.

Why did American colonists object to paying taxes imposed by parliament?

long live the riza 687 block

What was the American colonists primary objective to the taxes imposed by the stamp act?

It had not been approved by colonial representatives.