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the Catholic church.

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Q: What did the National Convention voted to abolish the monarchy and declare France?
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What did the national convention do when they took office in September 21 1792?

Voted to abolish the monarchy and declare France a republic.

What did the National Convention declare France as?

A Republic Nation.

What type of government does Nepal have in 2007?

As of 15 January 2007 Nepal was governed by an unicameral legislature under an interim constitution. On December 24, 2007, seven parties, including the former Maoist rebels and the ruling party, agreed to abolish monarchy and declare Nepal a Federal Republic

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On August 1st ,1985 ,Trinidad and Tobago became the first country in the world to declare a national holiday to commemorate the abolition of slavery.

Why did patriots declare independence?

The British colonies in North America had long decided that the taxes levied on them were unfair. So they made the decision to declare that they were independent of the British monarchy.

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The national government declares war.

Who as the authority to declare war?

Congress, Parliament, in the case is a monarchy the king or queen. In the case of a despotism, the despot.

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Patrick Henry brought forth suggestions to raise a militia so as to encourage the delegates to declare war on Britain in his speech during the Virginia convention.

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he didn't