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Drake Rodriguez

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Q: What did the g.i. bill help ex-soldiers do?
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What did the GI Bill help soldiers do?

buy a house (apex)

How can the new GI bill benefits be calculated?

There are many resources on the internet that help calculating the GI bill benefits. One such resource is the GI bill calculator, which can be found on the official GI bill calculator website. By filling in one's detail, the calculator will automatically calculate one's benefits for them.

What was the purpose of the Montgomery GI Bill?

The primary purpose of the Montgomery GI Bill was to provide opportunities and economic help to veterans. This included sending them to college.

What is the Wave GI Bill of the United States?

The Wave GI Bill of the United States is a bill that helps military members get and pay for college education while they are in service. This will help give the GI something to fall back on if they decide not to reenlist.

The gi Bill of Rights provided help to?

veterans from world war 2

Can you get a business loan on the GI Bill?

No, the GI Bill funds your education.

How do you use the GI bill?

The GI Bill provides money toward education. If one is eligible, most universities will have someone familiar with the forms and processes to help you out. You can also contact your local Veterans' Assistance office for help.

In order to help veterans of World War 2 which of these did Congress pass?

GI bill of rights

Can GI bill help pay for a Private Pilot License?

yes cause he has some money

Who created the GI Bill of Rights?

Franklin D. Roosevelt created the GI Bill.

Do you receive living allowance for the gi bill?

Under the "New GI Bill," yes.

How did the us help the vietnam vets?

Same as with past wars: GI bill, VA hospital, etc.