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He was forced to hold everyones waste when it was shoveled by the catch boy.

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Q: What did the holder on do in the Titanic?
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What was the holder on in the Titanic?


What did the holder on the Titanic do?

keep track of the mail & other cargo aboard Titanic

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Why did they call the Titanic the Titanic?

BECAUSE THEY FELT LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Titanic was not hit. An iceberg was struck by the Titanic.

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The Titanic band boarded Titanic as 2nd class passengers. Titanic's band were just the entertainers for 1st class.

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SS Titanic means that Titanic was also called the SteamShip Titanic.

How many people have been to the titanic?

"Titanic" (1997) "The Chambermaid on the Titanic" (1997) "Titanic" (1996) Television "Titanic" (1984) Television "Raise the Titanic" (1980) "S.O.S. Titanic" (1979) Television "A Night to Remember" (1958) "Titanic" (1953) "Titanic" (1943) "Atlantik" (1929) "Titanic" (1915)

Why is the Titanic aquatic museum named Titanic?

because the titanic place is in the sea