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they would work for common good

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Q: What did the pilgrims agree to in the Mayflower Compact?
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What did the Pilgrims agree to before landing in Plymouth?

the Mayflower Compact

With which document did the pilgrims agree to work together?

The Mayflower Compact.

What was the agree by the first pilgrims to make decisions by majority rules?

mayflower compact

What covenant was written by the pilgrims?

(Mayflower Compact)

What document did the pilgrims create?

The Mayflower compact was written by the pilgrims after they arrived in the New World on November 11, 1960. It outlined the government the pilgrims were going to follow in America.

What two things did the Pilgrims who signed the Mayflower Compact agree to do?

The Pilgrims who signed the Mayflower Compact agreed to create a self-governing community and to make and abide by fair and equal laws for the general good of the settlement.

What did the pilgrims agree to when signing the Mayflower Compact?

To plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia(:

What did pilgrims agree to when they signed the Mayflower Compact?

To plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia(:

When was the mayflower compact formed?

The Mayflower Compact was formed in 1620 by the pilgrims.

Where were the pilgrims when they wrote the mayflower compact?

The pilgrim assembly was on the mayflower writing the compact

The mayflower compact was made in what year?

The mayflower compact was made in 1620 by pilgrims.

What did the signers of mayflower compact agree to do?

The signers all agreed to follow the same laws for an organized government. All men on the Mayflower, both pilgrims and non-pilgrims were expected to sign it.