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One difficulty was that the continental army was running out of supplies
Patriots struggled with the harsh winter weather, and a little aid from their ally France. And the Indian Scouts kept leavind

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The difficulties that the Patriots faced at Valley Forge was lack of food along with proper shelter. Also it was a very cold winter.

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Q: What difficulty did the patriots face at Valley Forge?
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What happened that caused Valley Forge?

The Victory at Saratoga and the promises from help from Europe boost-ed American morale. Even so, Washington's Continental Army had to face hard times as it suffered through the long, cold winter of 1777-1778 at a makeshift camp at Valley Forge.

Why did George Washington leave Valley Forge?

George Washington left Valley Forge in June 1778 because the winter encampment there had come to an end and the Continental Army needed to resume offensive operations against the British. Additionally, by that time, the army had received much-needed supplies and training, making it ready to face the enemy.

What difficulties did the Americans face at Valley Forge?

The troubling news was Washington's army had lost two battles.NEW ANSWER:The difficulties that George Washington and his troops had to face and suffer included: low food and water supplies; poor clothing; shortage on ammunition and guns; untrained soldiers; the deep snow and the cold winter air; and desertion of those who just couldn't stand the conditions anymore.

What difficulties did the patroits face at the Valley Forge?

The story we know about valley forge is more legend than fact. We have been told the men were cold, hungry and shoeless. Not true.The park service reports that they had plenty of food, were in warm huts, and they did have shoes. The conditions were so good that Mrs. Washington and other officer wives stayed there with their husbands. One reason that we have been told about bad conditions is because when Washington wrote to Congress he stated that things were not very good. He did this because if he reported they were warm and well fed that Congress would cut funding, so he "spun" the facts. Washington was a very smart commander and politician and understood his position was always one where Congress could be difficult to deal with.

Why was the weather at Valley Forge so difficult?

The weather was very cold that winter. In fact, the earth was going through a cooling period for at least 400 years and the 1700's were at the end of that time. Washington's troops camped at Valley Forge did face very cold conditions, but Park Service historians have proven that the men were in better condition than the myth tells. Each man had 3 pounds of flour and meat a day to eat. They did have shoes and clothing and they were fairly warm in the little cabins that were built. Washington was the master of the "spin" and didn't report to Congress just how well off the troops were. He was afraid that if they knew that they were doing so well his supply line would be cut, so he didn't report the facts as they were.

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What difficulties the patriots face at valley forge?

One difficulty was that the continental army was running out of suppliesPatriots struggled with the harsh winter weather, and a little aid from their ally France. And the Indian Scouts kept leavind

What difficult did the patriot face at Valley Forge?


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What happened that caused Valley Forge?

The Victory at Saratoga and the promises from help from Europe boost-ed American morale. Even so, Washington's Continental Army had to face hard times as it suffered through the long, cold winter of 1777-1778 at a makeshift camp at Valley Forge.

What difficulties did patriots face at Valley Forge?

Federal park historical research has shown that conditions were fairly good at Valley Forge. The flu did hit the men, but they were in warm huts and had plenty of food. They had clothing and shoes as well. The officer wives were also there and so was Martha Washington, so if it had been as bad as legends have stated they wouldn’t have been there. The reason that people think the conditions were bad was the letter Washington sent to Congress. He knew if he reported that they were doing well that Congress would cut funds to him, so he wrote that they had problems.

What diffuculties did the patriots face at Valley Forge?

The story we think we know about Valley Forge is wrong. According to park service historians the men were well fed, warm in 3 man cabins, and had shoes/uniforms. Officer wives were also there including Martha Washington. The reason we think conditions were so bad is because of a letter to congress from Washington. He wrote them that they were in bad condition, but he did this to keep funding coming. He knew that if congress knew they were well off they would cut funds. Always the politician Washington knew how to spin congress.

Why did George Washington leave Valley Forge?

George Washington left Valley Forge in June 1778 because the winter encampment there had come to an end and the Continental Army needed to resume offensive operations against the British. Additionally, by that time, the army had received much-needed supplies and training, making it ready to face the enemy.

What happened prior to the battle of Monmouth?

Probably the major thing is that Monmouth happened after the Valley Forge training session, which had greatly improved the ability of the Continental Army to face British Regulars head on.

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no problem