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Q: What direction does heat naturally transform in nature?
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In what direction does thermal energy flow naturally?

Heat will naturally flow from hotter to colder objects.

Which direction does heat flow between two bodies?

Heat always travels (naturally) from Hot to Cold. There are processes that you can input energy to make heat go from cold to hot.

How does fire transform energy?

Conservation of heat

How does fire transform into energy?

Conservation of heat

What would could transform electricity to heat?

A resistor.

How does sedimentary rock transform to metmorphic rock?

heat and pressure

How can you transform liquid to gas?

heat the water at a boiling temperature

How is heat naturally transfered between objects?

The mechanisms to transfer heat are conduction, convection, and radiation. Heat will naturally flow from hotter to colder objects.

What two things can cause rocks to transform?

The two things that encourage rocks to transform is heat and pressure. The transformation and weathering of rocks will vary depending on the level of pressure and intensity of heat.

How does water transform energy?

Water can only transform into energy by means of a nuclear reaction. Changes in heat energy can transform water into different physical states, such as solid, liquid, or gas. As heat energy is increased, the water will move from the solid to the gaseous state. If heat energy is reduced, the water will move from the gaseous to the solid state.

How does water transform into energy?

Water can only transform into energy by means of a nuclear reaction. Changes in heat energy can transform water into different physical states, such as solid, liquid, or gas. As heat energy is increased, the water will move from the solid to the gaseous state. If heat energy is reduced, the water will move from the gaseous to the solid state.

What is water and heat of vaporization?

Heat of Vaporization id the amount of heat needed to transform a liquid into a gas while not raising its temperature.