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enlargment of testis size can be caused due to several conditions include





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Q: What disease is caused when one of the testis become larger?
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When puberty starts for the boys what enlarges and what becomeslonger?

during puberty, the testis become larger in size. the penis becomes larger and longer.

What are the chances during puberty?

The main change is that the testis become larger in size. In females there is onset of menstruation.

What part of your body grow during growth spurt?

Your penis, your breasts, and your vagina.

If a man without testis can become father?

It is not likely to happen.

What changes in the reproductive organs during puberty allow a boy or girl to procreate?

In males, the testis become larger and can produce mature sperm. in males, the ovaries become fertile. Only fertile sperm and eggs can reproduce.

Does orchitis cause sterility?

Yes , orchitis is one of the reason why men become infertile . Orchitis or orchiditis is a condition of the testes involving inflammation. It can also involve swelling and frequent infection. Testis itself seldom occur bacteria infection. Because it has adequate supply of blood and lymph, the testis has very strong resistance to infections. Lots of bacterial orchitis is caused by the inflammation in epididymis nearby. Symptoms of orchitis are similar to those of testicular torsion. These can include: ejaculation of blood hematuria (blood in the urine) severe pain visible swelling of a testicle or testicles and often the inguinal lymph nodes on the affected side. You should take it seriously if you find hard lumps in the testis, because it is sigh of diseases. It could be en epididymis disease, or epididymitis caused by inflammation in nearby organs. There could be an acute pain and swelling in the testis, and it is painful when touching. It could be some genital or urinary system disease if you find hard lumps in the testis. Men who have got this dfisease can use the diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill to cure it . It is a very efective herb .

Why do testis become loose?

Aging..... Skin becomes looser while aging...

Between the ages of 9 and 15 what happens to the testicles?

The testicles become larger and lower from the body, due to the body heat you produce.

Your right testis is a little bit larger than the other one may this effect your fertility?

wat wat

Does dick grow through puberty?

Yes, the penis makes its most dramatic increase in size during puberty.

What will happen if one testis is large than other?

Most, if not all, men have one testis larger than the other. This makes the testes slide one behind the other when you sit down, which makes it less painful

What are the differential diagnosis of empty scrotum?

1- Undescended testis 2- Ectopic testis 3- Atrophic testis 4- Retractile testis 5- Surgically removed testis