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Biologists who classify living things are taxonomists, and the science is called taxonomy.

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Q: What do Biologists classify living things are involved in?
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Why do you classify living things as biologists?

Biologists classify living things in order to study and understand the diversity and relationships among different organisms. By categorizing organisms based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships, biologists can better comprehend their behaviors, adaptations, and ecological roles. Classification also helps in communicating and organizing information about living organisms.

Is it useful for biologists to classify living things according to their colour?

no.they should be classified according to their structure & function

Why do biologist classify?

Biologists use classification to organize living things into groups so that the organisms are easier to study. :) Hope this helps

Is biologists the only scientists to classify things?


What are seven ways to classify living things?

you can classify them by: non- living things what they eat

What do biologists call living things?

living organisms.

Who studys living things?

Biology is the study of life.. so Biologists

Why must you classify living things?

We classify living things to keep track of the branching evolution of each living thing.

Questions about living things that can be answered by biologists are .?

What,why,and how

Why do sciencetists classify living things?

Scientists classify living things because then it's easier to share information, study, & discuss these living things.

What do biologists study?

A biologist is a scientist devoted to and producing results in biology through the study of life. Typically biologists study organisms and their relationship to their environment. Biologists involved in basic research attempt to discover underlying mechanisms that govern how organisms work. Biologists involved in applied research attempt to develop or improve medical, industrial or agricultural processes.

What is an area studied by biologists?

Biologists study living things like plants and animals.