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Hang herself and blind himself are what Jocasta and Oedipus do when they discover that Teiresias and the oracle told the truth in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).

Specifically, Teiresias the blind prophet announces that Theban King Oedipus is King Laius' killer. This is in line with the Delphic oracle's prediction that Oedipus will kill his father and marry his mother. The Corinthian messenger and the Theban shepherd verify the facts in the prophecy's realization.

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Q: What do Jocasta and Oedipus do when they discover that Teiresias and the oracle told the truth in 'Oedipus Rex'?
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Who helps Oedipus find the killer in 'Oedipus Rex'?

The Delphic oracle, chorus leader, Creon, Teiresias, Jocasta, the Corinthian messenger and the Theban shepherd are the people who help Oedipus find the killer in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the Delphic oracle announces that the guilty will be found to be Thebans. The chorus leader and Creon comment about old rumors of robbers as the perpetrators. Teiresias the blind prophet declares that Theban King Oedipus is King Laius' murderer. Queen Jocasta describes the crime scene and her first husband's physical appearance. The Corinthian messenger gives clues as to Oedipus' true birthplace and parentage. The Theban shepherd recognizes Oedipus as the infant to be killed in order not to grow up to kill his father Laius and marry his mother Jocasta.

What does the oracle tell jocasta?

The oracle told Queen Jocasta and King Laius of Thebes while she was heavily pregnant with Oedipus, that the child was destined to kill his father.

Whom does Creon advise Oedipus to send for in 'Oedipus Rex'?

It is no one that Creon advises Oedipus to send for in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, it is the chorus leader who advises Theban King Oedipus to send for Teiresias the blind prophet. It is Oedipus who advises Queen Jocasta to send for the Theban shepherd. Creon offers no such advice, but does suggest that Oedipus go consult with the Delphic oracle himself.

Whom does Oedipus send at the beginning of the play to consult Teiresias?

No one is sent by Theban King Oedipus to consult with Teiresias the blind prophet, at the beginning of the play. Instead, Oedipus has his brother-in-law and uncle, Theban King Creon, go to consult with the Oracle at Apollo's shrine. He has problems trying to carry out the information from the Oracle. So Oedipus sends a messenger to bring Teiresias to his presence. But no one is sent beforehand or in advance to consult with the prophet before this meeting with Oedipus.

Why did jocasta and laius leave their infant son to die?

Because the oracle told them that their son Ödipus would kill his father (i.e. Laius) and then marry his wife (Jocasta, Oedipus' mother)

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What does the oracle tell jocasta?

The oracle told Queen Jocasta and King Laius of Thebes while she was heavily pregnant with Oedipus, that the child was destined to kill his father.

Who helps Oedipus find the killer in 'Oedipus Rex'?

The Delphic oracle, chorus leader, Creon, Teiresias, Jocasta, the Corinthian messenger and the Theban shepherd are the people who help Oedipus find the killer in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the Delphic oracle announces that the guilty will be found to be Thebans. The chorus leader and Creon comment about old rumors of robbers as the perpetrators. Teiresias the blind prophet declares that Theban King Oedipus is King Laius' murderer. Queen Jocasta describes the crime scene and her first husband's physical appearance. The Corinthian messenger gives clues as to Oedipus' true birthplace and parentage. The Theban shepherd recognizes Oedipus as the infant to be killed in order not to grow up to kill his father Laius and marry his mother Jocasta.

How can 'Oedipus Rex' be summarized?

Theban King Oedipus wants to know how to free his city of a plague. Creon, his brother-in-law and uncle, consults with the Delphic Oracle. The Oracle says that the plague results from the unsolved murder of previous Theban King Laius. The Oracle also tells Creon that the murderers must be found and banished from Thebes. But according to Teiresias the blind prophet of Thebes, Oedipus himself is the murderer. Oedipus subsequently finds out that although he had believed himself to be the son of King Polybus of Corinth he actually was the son of Laius whom he had killed in self defense. Moreover, Oedipus' marriage to Jocasta, Creon's sister and Laius' widow, was also the marriage of Oedipus to his own mother. When this truth is revealed to both Jocasta and Oedipus, Jocasta commits suicide and Oedipus blinds himself and is led into exile.

Whom does Creon advise Oedipus to send for in 'Oedipus Rex'?

It is no one that Creon advises Oedipus to send for in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, it is the chorus leader who advises Theban King Oedipus to send for Teiresias the blind prophet. It is Oedipus who advises Queen Jocasta to send for the Theban shepherd. Creon offers no such advice, but does suggest that Oedipus go consult with the Delphic oracle himself.

What happens chronologically in 'Oedipus Rex'?

The priest's concerns, Oedipus' promises, Creon's information, Oedipus' promises again, Teiresias' revelations, Oedipus' anger, Jocasta's information, the Corinthian messenger's news, the Theban shepherd's memories, Jocasta's suicide, Oedipus' blinding, Creon's kingship, and Oedipus' isolation are what happens chronologically in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the priest of Zeus speaks of the pestilence to Theban King Oedipus, who promises to take action. Creon, Oedipus' brother-in-law and royal colleague, shares the pestilence's solution as revealed by the Apolline oracle. Oedipus promises to identify and punish the guilty in the murder of Theban King Laius and tries to get helpful information from Teiresias the blind prophet. He fights with Creon, whom he suspects of getting Teiresias to say that Oedipus is Laius' killer. Information from Theban Queen Jocasta, Oedipus' wife and Laius' widow, and from the Theban and Corinthian shepherds serve to confirm Teiresias' charges. This confirmation causes Jocasta to hang herself and Oedipus to blind himself. The transferof royal power takes place between Creon and Oedipus, who meets with his children/half-siblings and who is placed under house arrest until which punishment between execution and exile to apply is made clear by the gods.

Whom does Oedipus send at the beginning of the play to consult Teiresias?

No one is sent by Theban King Oedipus to consult with Teiresias the blind prophet, at the beginning of the play. Instead, Oedipus has his brother-in-law and uncle, Theban King Creon, go to consult with the Oracle at Apollo's shrine. He has problems trying to carry out the information from the Oracle. So Oedipus sends a messenger to bring Teiresias to his presence. But no one is sent beforehand or in advance to consult with the prophet before this meeting with Oedipus.

Why did jocasta and laius leave their infant son to die?

Because the oracle told them that their son Ödipus would kill his father (i.e. Laius) and then marry his wife (Jocasta, Oedipus' mother)

Is Teiresias an oracle?

No, Teiresias isn't an oracle. The word 'oracle' refers to both the medium by which the future is learned and to the specific place where the medium is to be consulted. For example, the oracle that's mentioned in 'Oedipus Rex' is the Delphic oracle. In other words, the oracle is found at Delphos.Teiresias is blessed with the gift of and skill at seeing the future. But he isn't a medium and doesn't live apart from Thebans. Instead, he lives in Thebes as a prophet.

What did Oedipus discover as he sought to obey the oracle at delphi?

he discovered he wanted to advance in life

What is jocastas intention in telling Oedipus the story of the oracle given to laius about his death?

Jocasta intends to convince him that prophets cannot tell the future.

What is the oracle's prophecy in 'Oedipus Rex'?

That Oedipus will kill his father and marry his mother is the oracle's prophecy in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the Delphic oracle is the best known and most widely respected oracle in all of ancient Greece. The play includes other prophecies, but not by oracles. For example, Theban monarchs Laius and Jocasta hear a prophecy of their son growing up to kill his father, but it is not from an oracle.

Is it true or false that the Sphinx defeats Thebes Oedipus kills his parents and the Delphic Oracle's prophecy does not come about?

Theban King Oedipus kills his father, Theban King Laius, is the only statement that's true. The Sphinx doesn't prevail over Thebes, because she's defeated by Oedipus. Oedipus doesn't kill his mother, Theban Queen Jocasta. Instead, he marries her. The realization of that incest years later causes Jocasta to take her own life. The Delphic Oracle's statement comes true. The Oracle gives an accurate prediction of how Oedipus will live out his fate, as a murderer and a sex offender.