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Roman numerals are given in alphabet letters, such as I, V, X, C, D, L, and M.

The letter I stands for one. So, three in Roman numerals is III.

The number five is given by V, 10 by X, 50 by L, and 100 by C.

To express a number like 70 in Roman numerals, you write it as LXX, which stands for 50 plus 10 plus 10.

I, II, III, Illl, V, VI, VII, VIII , Vllll, X, XX and so on

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20

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Q: What do Roman numerals look like and how do you read them?
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To say roman numerals, all you have to do is say the letter in it. Example- CCIX: You say SEE SEE EYE EX. (CCIX) That's how easy it is!actually, you say it like the number is read I is read as one.

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It is not a proper Roman Numeral. It could be read to be 1990, or 1010

What are the good things about roman numerals?

there not confusing to read or wright

When did Romans invent Roman numerals?

most likely. they are called ROMAN numerals--While I don't actually know the answer, I'd like to point out that the answerer before me is a moron, and read the question wrong.Just like in the name, Roman Numerals were started in Rome. Today, it is still used. Well now in every stats and countries we use more simpler numbers. Like 1,2,3,4, and so on. We should think that we are really fortunate.Tank you for your question...2010 November 21 Sunday

What is xxxvi?

36 I added a link to help you understand how to read Roman numerals.

What number for xxix?

36 I added a link to help you understand how to read Roman numerals.

Why do roman numerals have a place value system?

So as to read out the numerals in a logical descending order as for example MDCLXVI = 1666