

What do all compounds share?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What do all compounds share?
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What two things do organic compounds share in common?

All organic compounds contain carbon and connect with covalent bonds.

What are the covalent compounds?

Covalent compounds share electronsCovalent compounds are neutralB.The compounds share electrons.C.The compounds show no charge.D.The compounds are named with Greek prefixes.

Does bromine lose or share electrons in compounds?

Both. Bromine gains one electron in ionic compounds. Bromine will share electron in covalent compounds.

How do molecular compounds bond?

When molecular compounds bond, they share electrons.

What Type of bonding all carbon compounds have?

mostly all carbon compounds have covalent bonding since carbon can't donate it's valence shell electrons it can share those electrons

Do all groups on the periodic table ionize?

No, the elements in all groups do not ionise. Some of the elements share electrons to form compounds.

Who do elements transfer or share to form compounds?


Can atoms in molecular componds share electrons?

Atoms in molecular compounds not only can but must share electrons, in order to form the covalent bonds that hold molecular compounds together!

Why are electrons shared in molecular compounds?

The sharing of electrons is what makes them molecular compounds. If they didn't share, then they would be ionic compounds. So, depending on what atoms or elements are bonding together, you will have sharing or not. Whether they share or not is more complicated, but has to do with electronegativity and electron configurations.

What does proteins carbohydrates lipids and nucleic acids have in common?

They are all the major organic compounds. They also share the elements Carbon, Oxygen, and Hydrogen.

Do binary ionic compounds have bonds that share two valence electrons?

No. Ionic compounds are held together by ionic bonds.

Do ionic compounds share electrons?

No they do not, electrons are transferred between atoms